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Lightning woke up in a daze. He had no time to waste. He had to wake everyone up... and fast.

He got up, got into his change of clothes, threw on his overstuffed backpack, and busted through the door. The backpack was so heavy, it made Lightning feel light-headed and hard to walk for some time, like a slowly-burning candle bound to burn out at any moment.

The walk wasn't long because his room was so close to the others. He got to the first person's room and waited in front of the door for some time. After a couple of seconds, he decided to tap on the door with his right knuckle lightly.

tap tap

The door opened. Pen opened the door with a smile and Tree was behind him wearing his usual frown.

"Ugh... do we have to do this shit?" Tree complained and crossed his arms.

"C'mon dude, you already packed for the trip. You might as well go," Pen motioned with an eye roll to cap it off.

"For the first time in your life, you make a fair point," Tree slightly smirked and pointed to Pen.

"I'm always right."

Lightning held the door open for the two as they left the room. It felt weird to Lightning that Pen and Tree were complying with him. Now, it was time to wake everyone else up.

"Wait by my car. I'll be right there," Lightning smiled and winked at Pen.

"Gotcha." Pen gave Lightning a wink back.

Lightning started to walk to the rest of the rooms and wake everyone else up. He didn't want to go on this trip himself. Who knew how long it would take? Lightning felt like a spring flower during the harsh winter season. Even he was tired. It was 6:30 in the morning after all. Anyone would be tired this early morning, especially on a weekend.

The hand knocked on the door lightly once again. Lightning figured the others were sleeping, and he didn't want to be insensitive. Lightning knocked once again. The door opened to a tired Bottle. Her hair wasn't fluffy like usual. It was droopy and she had bags under her eyes.

"Did you sleep well last night?" Lightning asked with a nervous smile.

"It could've been better. Anyway, I'm okay. Are the others already there?" Bottle asked.

"Well, I got Pen and Tree already. Remote and Liy sent me a text that they were outside. To answer your question, yes, we're all there," Lightning smiled.

"Alright," Bottle picked her backpack up off the ground and walked toward the door.

Lightning led Bottle to the car where everyone else was waiting.

"Good morning, guys," Bottle smiled with a nervous wave.




Fear. It's a silly emotion, really. Many can't control their fears. Many fall victim to the emotion whether it's in one way or another...

Not me. Not anyone I've ever known. We know what happened in the past, but we can't change what happened. Not anymore at least.

Five. Six. Seven. Eight. The days keep flowing by like an endless river. What's the future going to be like? I always love dwelling on the future. It's one of my favorite things to do in my free time, which I have plenty of. So many possibilities. So little time.

Well, time's going to be no more soon...


Hey guys! Hey, my amazing readers! I'm so happy to be back writing. These past couple of weeks, I've been having a war with myself dealing with mental health. I'm so, so excited to start writing for you guys again! This book is going to be the best of the three. I promise you. Thanks for reading, and have a damn good day/night! :D

Chapter 1: Publishing 03/23/24

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