"Babe, you're getting a bit ahead of yourself here. Don't overthink it or you'll kill it before you even get the chance to know her. Maybe just... take it slow, you know?"

"That's the plan," Rebecca readily agreed, poaching an egg for herself as coffee streamed from the machine. "She said she's not looking for a relationship so..."

Irin sighed on the other end. "Rebecca--"

"I know, I know," Rebecca wearily replied, "I'm an idiot. But you and I both know I'll never back down from a challenge. Perhaps that makes me even more idiotic."

"Would it kill you to find someone nice and easy for a change?"

"The easy ones never stick either. And this one is nice. I think you'd like her."

Her friend laughed softly on the other end. "I always like them - until they break your heart."

"Ah, don't worry about that," Rebecca muttered, a serious look overcoming her as she spread avocado over a slice of sourdough toast. "There's not much left to break anymore."

"You do make me worry, you know."

"Enough to get you to move your ass back out here?"

"Not quite. It's a good job."

"I know it's a good job - that's why I put in a good word. I should've sabotaged it instead. First, you break my heart and then you leave me for my least favourite city in the world."

Irin let out another laugh, "you know, you could come and visit me."

"And risk a run-in with Rawee? No thanks. Don't worry, I'll be there for Nam's wedding."

"That's months away!"

"Then let me fly you out here."

"Ruby has school."

Rebecca's mouth thinned and she suppressed a sigh. Part of the reason why things had never worked out between them was the fact that Irin was a mother, something Rebecca never intended to be, and had to prioritise her daughter over any other relationships.

It wasn't something Rebecca begrudged her, but sometimes she wished things could work out in her favour - just a little bit.

"Fuck school. I'll do her homework for her. She'll get A's on everything."

"You know it's not really a bragging point to say you'll get A's on a middle-schooler's homework, right?"

"I miss you."

"Then call this girl and take her out so you can stop moping around."

Letting out a quick laugh, she raised her eyebrows slightly as she pressed her phone to her ear.

"Don't sell yourself short, darling. A girl needs a friend too. But... I'll send her flowers. That's not rushing things is it?"

Her question was anxious and Irin laughed on the other end. "Come on. You've sent more flowers than anyone else I know. It's always a hit."

"It is a perfect romantic gesture, right?"

"Unless she's allergic."

Rebecca stilled, her expression quickly clouding. "Shit. What if she is?"

"Then she'll understand the sentiment?"

Mouth thinning, Rebecca hummed dubiously for a moment, drumming her fingers on the counter. Snagging her coffee from the machine as an afterthought and then cracking an egg into the water that had been simmering for a while now while her toast grew cold, Rebecca relented.

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