New life

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was always told to have a weak body, even though his build was pretty strong. He never denied it because he was a victim of his own weakness lots of times, as an instance, the time when he moved to a separate apartment along with Jungkook , as a married couple.




Taehyung  didn't like the idea, not did Jungkook , but both of them were handcuffed about the decisions they should have made, as their businessmen parents did those for them, not considering whether it affected them negatively or not.




"Ugh, I can't with these heavy boxes!" Taehyung  whined as he plopped down on the couch being tired as heck, because he had been carrying heavy boxes for a while.




Jungkook , who was also carrying lots of other packages containing their stuff, noticed the tired Taehyung .




"Already tired?" He asked. He didn't sound sarcastic, but didn't sound concerned either. Taehyung  spared him a glance and then nodded, "Yes, I am bad at doing physical activities." He spoke.




"You're bad at everything!" Jungkook  chuckled as he proceeded with his own work. Taehyung  just shouted a 'yah!'




The initial cold war between Taehyung  and Jungkook  kind of subsided, or so Taehyung  thought. Taehyung , upon being close with Jungkook , stopped acting like a hopeless heartbroken person in front of Jungkook  and this also reduced the initial irritation of Jungkook  towards Taehyung . But this also brought along short quarrels between them.




"How long are you gonna stay here? Your stuffs are still outside." Jungkook  said to Taehyung  as he could see Taehyung  still resting.




"Give me a minute, I'm really tired." Taehyung  said, Jungkook  shook his head and went outside. To Taehyung 's surprise, Jungkook  brought along some of Taehyung 's belongings for him.




"Wow, you really didn't have to!" Taehyung  stood up saying this because he could see Jungkook  carrying the heavy boxes for him.


I didn't knew // Taekook //Where stories live. Discover now