To detach. 


Rain's pupils followed the infinitesimal ticking arm of her cerulean watch as it struck 6:00pm. In the middle of the small circular frame between the jagged-font numerals, existed a cartoony representation of a cloud atop a rainbow lightning-bolt. Fae had picked up the little trinket for her just yesterday when she came to visit. Rain had been complaining about having fallen victim to the irritating habit of dropping her phone far too often--and it was NOT as easy to retrieve the damn thing from the mechanical depths of a hospital bed as it was to swoop it up from beside her own mattress back at the dorm. 

     Staring endlessly into the miniature time-device wasn't the most ideal way to pass the time, but Rain preferred it over her time wasted sulking at the ceiling. At least this way, she could lose herself in the rhythm of the ticker and pretend as if she were propped comfortably upon that doodle-of-a-cloud instead of where she was now. 

     This week in particular had been especially rough for Rain. And this was not only because she was trapped in that unforgiving cycle of boredom. She had to contend with more than just that. All but one of her friends had routinely appeared for a planned or spurious visit here or there within the past few days. Was she surprised that AJ was the only one who hadn't? Given that disaster of a breakfast the other day, she couldn't say she was. 

     But still, nothing hurt like missing AJ. 

     Dash grazed circles around the watch's perimeter with a gentle thumb, waiting to see what marvellous stew C.H. had brewed up for dinner this time. 

     If it's meatloaf again, I will throw up, she reflected. 

     The young athlete had developed a certain knack for predicting when the curtain would open next. Before the footsteps had even reached a proximity to Rain that made them audible, she began rolling up her sleeve and wedging away her bandage for her needle. Dashie had whined so incessantly about the horrific disturbances to her sleep each morning to the point where Dr. Horse had simply just surrendered to drawing blood in the evenings instead. 

     Seconds later, the amiable doctor came wheeling through. Again. 

     Once he was finished exchanging greetings with Rainbow and filling his vials, he said, "Rain, I have some exciting news."

     Exciting? At C.H.? I don't think so, was her first intrinsic reaction. And at this point, she didn't bother to attempt hiding her lack of enthusiasm. 

     "Uh-huh..." her voice fried monotonously. She hadn't shifted her attention away from her wrist so much as a grain-width. 

     Dr. Horse chuckled and made his way over to the whiteboard. He retrieved the foam block from atop the steel ledge and then erased Rainbow's name from beside the section titled: 'Patient:'

     Dashie's brunette brows furrowed with incertitude. A look of humour touched the doctor's visage as he watched the calculations unravel under his patient's eyes until finally, the update he was attempting to relay clicked. Rainbow's bottom jaw fell open and her amber orbs widened with a glistening spark of which she had previously abandoned outside of C.H. many days ago. 

     "No way..." her utterance was hushed at first, and then, "NO. WAY."

     "Yes, that's right Ma'am! Hopefully sometime tomorrow if you have someone to come and grab you. You seem to get to the bathroom okay on your crutches now, but I'd feel much better if we didn't just boot you out-the door without some form of support--Oh and you'll need to come back for a checkup or two once..." Dr. Horse's medical rambling manifested into a blur as Rain continued to inwardly celebrate her approaching freedom. 

     "...does that sound alright Ms. Rain?" his concluding sentence snapped her back into the moment. 

     "Yessir!" she winked, radiating her galvanization at the news. 

     I'm going home!



BUMBUMBUMMMMM...The walking haphazard has been released back into the wild where the elusive western-emo roams. LOLLL 

Okay but all jokes aside, this fic has gotten so many random spurs of attention lately and it has made my entire day each time I see it. Do I even need to say it? INFINITE THANK YOU'S I LOVE U ALL SO MUCHHH. I, myself actually had a really rough night last night--like I mean REALLY ROUGH LMAO. But coming on here to see all of the support I get in doing something I love, it rly means a lot. Thank you. 

Also, just a heads up, I am in my final few weeks of this semester for school, so I will be swamped with work. SOO apologies in advance if I take a while to pump these chapters out, but I can assure you my absences will not be permanent, so please stick around if ya can :,D

If you liked this chapter, please feel free to let me know with a comment or a vote. Thank you so much again, have a wonderful day/night lovelies <33

Zapped by an Apple | An Appledash College AU Fanfic | Human Charactersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें