✨️ 10 ✨️

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Mark has gone out but didn't say where he was going Destiny is sat on the couch after changing Romeo he's sitting happily in her arms with "Henry Huggle Monster" on the TV when the door opens and Jackson walks in with a bag

Jackson-"wheres mark?"

Destiny-"he went out but he didn't say where he was going"

Jackson-"okay you want a glass of wine"

Destiny-"Jackson I think you know me well enough now to know the answer to that question"

Jackson-"true ill go get us a glass"

Destiny-"thank you so what's in that bag of yours?"

Jackson-"just stuff I grabbed for romeo and Mark since I'm moving out"

Destiny-"im sorry your what"

Jackson-"im moving out I'm going to stay back with one of my friends from mercy West Charles you've got a baby living here now you need more space"

Destiny-"Jackson don't be stupid your not moving out just because Romeo is here that's unfair you were here first"

Jackson-"Well I am Destiny okay I'm moving out and when Romeo is older you can turn my room into his room"

Destiny-"Are you actually insane your so fucking dumb it's unreal you were here first we will move out that was your room first and it will be your room until Mark kicks you out"

Jackson-"No I'm not fucking stupid you're a mother why are you putting where I stay before your baby having a room if anything I'm being the mature one here!"

Destiny-"oh your throwing the fact I'm a mother in my face well news flash I know im a mother im not oblivious to the fact do you know what I can't even deal with you right now your unreal honestly"

Destiny puts romeo in outdoor clothes put him in his pram and she storms out the house and calls pearl and Crystal

Destiny-"hey what hotel are you guys at are you still at the hilton?"

Pearl-"yeh how come?"

Destiny-"causee im on my way round me an Jackson got into a screaming match"

Crystal-"shut up no way why"

Destiny-"I'll explain when I get there ill be there soon bye luv yas"

Pearl and Crystal-"bye luv yaaa"

The line went dead and Pearl and Crystal sit there shocked

Crystal-I coulda sworn they were gonna get together guess that's not happening now"

Pearl-"oh don't be stupid they so will they are soulmates they would be perfect together they just won't get together as quick as we thought now"

Crystal-"I bet its Romea that gets them together"

Pearl-"No I'm saying it's mark"

Crystal-"well my money is on Romeo"

She puts a 100 dollar bill on the bed

Pearl-"Mine is on mark"

She puts her 100 on top of that she then picks up both notes and moves them to inter her makeup brush pot

Pearl-"neither of us touch that until they are together or we need it desperately and if they get together because of someone else or on their own account and it's nothing to with mark or Rome we both keep our hundred deal?"

She puts her hand forward for Crystal to shake


Destiny finally arrives at the hotel she knocks on the door with a crying romeo now in her arms and she's panicking a bit

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