✨️ 9 ✨️

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Today is now the day where Romeo is coming home Mark has told Destiny to stay home from work and do what she needs to so she is cleaning the whole house she has moved the couch vacuumed under it vacuumed the whole house mopped all laminate flooring baby proofed everything move anything he shouldn't have to higher up and the while she's vacuming Mark comes home but she doesn't hear him when she turns around he's just stood there with bags in his hand

Destiny-"oh shit fuck god I didn't hear you come in what's with the bags did you go shopping did u get me stuff"

Mark-"No I didn't get you anything it's for Romeo and watch your language there's a baby coming here today"

Destiny-"yeh I know I was going to surprise you but now you here u can't he's like 10 minutes away"

Mark-"Oh well I better hurry up and show you what I bought"

Destiny-"okay go on then"

Mark start pulling stuff out the bag there baby clithes baby toys and he saved the best till last and pulled out a baby blue onsie that says "I have the best mommy ever" and a dark blue one that's says "my uncle Mark is the coolest"

Destiny-"Markus you didn't have to do this"

Mark"yes I did he's my nephew"

The two were hugging when they were interrupted by a knock at the door Mark pulls away and looks at destiny all excited

Mark-"can i?"

Destiny-"of course you can go go go"

Mark opens the door and is met with a blonde woman and the most gorgeous little boy the woman looks at destiny and Destiny nods her head the woman then proceeds to hand Romeo to mark

Mark-"hey little guy I'm your uncle Mark were going to be best friends"

Destiny-"thank you for doing this so last minute montana"

Montana-"it's okay I'm guessing you won't be need my service anymore"

Destiny-"unfortunately not but I cannot thank you enough for being there when I was working and for that I got you these but remember I will be calling you when I need you your still my go to sitter"

She hands montana a box and montana opens it

Montana-"Destiny you didn't have to do this"

Destiny-"yes I did you were there when I needed you no questions asked your the best sitter a mother can ask for"

In the box was a pair of Christian louboutin

Montana and Destiny hug then Montana leaves Destiny shuts the doors and turns to mark who's just staring at her smiling


Mark-"you have a baby my baby sister has a baby"

Destiny-"she does"

Mark sets up his crib and playpen and everything else that needs set up while Destiny plays with romeo

Destiny-"mommy love you so much yes she does yes she does oh your just perfect aren't you" she says in a baby voice

Alex busrts in the house scaring Destiny and making romeo cry

Alex-"you have a baby and didn't think that's something your boyfriend would maybe like to know!"

Destiny-"okay I get your angry but can you refrain from shouting infront of my child"

Alex-"um yeh sorry but I would have liked to know about him vefore I jumped into a relationship with you"

Destiny-"so what were done then?"

Alex-"yeh your amazing you really are and I have no doubt your the best mom but I'm not ready to have a baby around all the time but can we still be friends coz your pretty awesome"

Destiny-"I don't know Alex I don't have a very good track record with being friends with exes ill think about it"

Alex-"um okay please do"

Alex leaves and Mark comes through

Mark-"all that because of the handsomest little man ever"

Destiny-"apparently so you want him"

Mark-"yes come here wee man"

Destiny-"what you say we take him to the park?"

Mark-"can we?"

Destiny-"of course we can ill go grab my bag and his stuff can you put his jacket on"


Destiny goes and gets her bag and car toys for romeo she then grabs his folded down pram and his cat seat and cones back through

Mark-"you know you have the best mommy ever when you get older please don't ever be horrible to her all she does is her best and I can already tell she goes above and beyond for you and wow will you look at that you already to go to the park"

Destiny-"right out him in the car seat"

Mark-"how do you do that"

Destiny talks Mark through putting him in the car seat then they get in the car Destiny sits in the back with romeo

Destiny-"this isn't the way to the park"

Mark-"I know but quick de tour first I got a baby to show off"

They pull up the the hospital and get out of the car

Mark-"can I take him out his car seat?"

Destiny-"yeh just be careful"

Mark pulls out his pager and pages everyone down to reception they all come down and look at eachother confused to why they have been paged down


they all gather round and say hi to romeo and the girls go speak to Destiny about him

Arizona-"omg he's so little how old is he"

Destiny-"he's 6 months"

Cristina-"does he like cry alot"

Destiny-"yeh and no"

Cristina"-well whenever he's not crying ill hold him"

Destiny-"he's not crying right now"

Cristina-"ugh fine give me the child"

Destiny goes and gets him out of marks arms and hands him to Cristina romeo then puts his hand on her cheek and starts smiling

Cristina-"hey I think he like me you can all suck it"

The girls all end uo holding him then they all leave and go back to work jackson comes running

Jackson-"hey I got your page what's up I thought you were off"

Mark-"Avery we have a room mate"

Jackson-"omg he's here where is he"

Mark-"with ney she took him on a walk cause he was crying"

As if on cue she comes back with a calm baby and jackson comes over very gently touching his cheek romeo then grabs his finger

Jackson-" he grabbed my finger I think we're off to a good start can I?"

Destiny put romeo in his arms

Jackson-"hey wee man you know me and your mom are best friends so we're gonna be pretty close in life"

Destiny and mark take him to the park she's pretty sure marks whole phone is filled up with photos of romeo they then head home and Destiny and Mark talk about romeo and his routine and what he likes to listen to on the TV since he's only six month old he doesn't exactly watch TV then mark goes out an leaves Destiny home with romeo.

Sorry talk short chapter I really hope yous like this idea I have a whole thing planned I'm also debating keeping Mark and lexie alive in this what do we think

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