Y/N: (taken aback) That's why you broke into my room? 

My eyes widen upon realizing what she just said. 

Y/N: (shocked) Wait! How many times did you sneak into my room?! 

Constance: (smiles) Since the day you agreed to be my test subject! AHAHAHAHA! 

Y/N's Mind: I'm sorry. When did I agree? 

Constance grabs my arm. 

Constance: Now, come. We must prepare for today's experiments. 

Y/N: (nervous) ...

Constance and Y/N has reached C Support! 

Officer's Academy Courtyard:

Y/N's POV:

I've been assigned to picking weeds this week. And my partner is no other than... 

Balthus: (pouts) Ugh! Why do we have to do this again? 

Y/N: It's Professor Byleth's orders, Balthus. Every student's got to do their part. Simple as that. 

Balthus: Sheesh. Don't remind me, pal. 

After a while of picking weeds, he turns to me. 

Balthus: Say, pal. Think you can put in a good word with Judith for me? 

I turn to him. 

Y/N: (curious) Where's this coming from? 

Balthus: It's just... she never responded to my letters. (concerned) I'm starting to think she's ghosting me. 

Y/N: Balthus. If she's ghosting you, maybe you should just give up on trying to sleep with my mother. 

Balthus: (shocked) Oh, come on. Why would she ghost me? I'm perfect in every fucking way! 

Y/N: You really call a bunch of debts and a lot more bounties "perfect"? 

Balthus: (sulks) C'mon, pal. Help a pal out, will ya? 

Y/N: Okay, okay. (sighs) How many letters have you sent? 

Balthus: At least 38. 

My eyes widen upon hearing that. 

Y/N: (shocked) Seriously?! And did she respond to any of them? 

Balthus: Only after the 14th one. Her reply said, "leave me alone". 

Y/N: (taken aback) Aaaannd... you didn't take that as a sign to stop trying? 

He shakes his head. 

Balthus: Of course not. In fact, I thought she wanted me to keep going. 

Y/N: (shocked) What part of "leave me alone" tells you to keep going?

He shrugs. 

Balthus: I dunno. Before my stepmom kicked me out and threw a bunch of bounties on my head, she would always tell me "Never give up". 

Y/N: (shocked) Your stepmom did what now? 

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