mom would you wash my back this once

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Shizuka stared at his mom as she tried to walk in a straight line to the kitchen from the front door. His face went downcast when he heard her try and speak properly.

"Shizuka? What's-"

"Shh." Shizuka turned around to his sister and put a finger to his mouth. Sora immediately stayed quiet, but she was confused. Then, she heard it.

She heard her mom try to speak and sighed. "Mom's home... and she's like that. Want me to get dad?" she whispered.

"'S there?" their mom slurred.

Shizuka's eyes widened as he pushed Sora upstairs while nodding.

"Wait, come up here so she doesn't see you." Sora said, grabbing Shizuka's wrist. Shizuka shook his head quickly, urging Sora to just get their dad.

That's when a sudden hand grabbed his arm with surprising strength. He yelled out in shock and the next thing he knew, he was looking up at his mom who was scowling at him.

"Shizuka!"' Sora called, rushing down the stairs.

"Just get dad." Shizuka said, turning to look at his sister, who stood still for a second.

"Why y'ain't at shchool?" she demanded, her voice rising in pitch. "Hey! I ashed you a quesshion!"

Sora gasped and turned away quickly, running back up to the second floor.

Shizuka winced as his mother's grip tightened on his arm. He tried to pull away, but her grasp was like a vice. "M-Mom, it's... saturday," he said, his shaky voice barely above a whisper. "I don't ha-have school."

"Wha?" his mom yelled, throwing him to the grounf. "God, can't ya shpeak up? You're alwaysh mumbling, nobody can undershtand you!"

"Hinode!" Chidori yelled, striding across the room as he went in front of Shizuka. "Have you been drinking again? You said you would quit it!"

"On't tell me whash to do! Fuckin' milksop."

Sora kneeled next to Shizuka and stood him up. "I got you, it's going to be fine." she said, guiding them both back up the stairs and to their room.

Shizuka stared at where his parents were, being able to see part of Chidori's figure before he went into the kitchen where Hindoe had gone.

"I ask you for one thing, one thing!" Chidori said, sighing. "And somehow that's too much from you."


Love is supposed to be like the warmth of sunshine on a chilly day, like finding your favorite song, like a soft blanket wrapping around you, like eating your favorite food. It's supposed to be something that brings people joy and comfort, something that people look forward to.

Shizuka had frequently questioned whether he had received proper love. Years later, he was finally able to figure out his answer. For the longest time, he believed that his mother truly did love him, she just didn't know how to show it. But he had to realize that just wasn't true.

Hindoe was a big drinker, always has been. She started drinking when she was fourteen. Her dad's liquor cabinet was unlocked at all times, her parents were getting divorced, and she was a dumb teenager, what did they expect?

But, she was smart, and had dreams. Despite her drinking, she tried to stop to try and peruse her dream of becoming a successful businesswoman. She didn't want to marry Chidori, she never even wanted kids, but her parents forced her because she was their only child and they wanted grandchildren.

capture it all (ouran high school host club x male oc)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя