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"So, this is how it feels when your heart yearns for that special person who has moved on and doesn't even know how they left you in misery. Was it really that easy for them to move on? If yes, then please let me know because my heart is bleeding, and I feel like I'm losing my mind, my soul, and myself. Was I really that easy to replace? Did what we had mean nothing to them? Was I not enough for them? Was I the only one trying to hold onto our relationship, while they had already fallen out of it? Why was it so easy for them but so hard for me? Maybe I loved them, but they never loved me." Was I that naïve to believe their every lie and false promise, now thinking about that makes me laugh and at the same time makes me cry. I gave my 9 years not only that but my love, soul, and everything, everything I had. But they left me with nothing but my broken heart and my lifeless body. They left the girl who was once a happy soul, lively, contented, and full of life. Now struggling to even breathe properly without them, she was dependent on them. her whole world revolved around them in fact he was a whole world for her. Always dreaming of a life with them but now left with shattered hopes and dreams. Didn't they think me worthy enough to give me reason? They just walked out of my life like they were never there. Leaving a living corpse who is now scared of love, life, and relationships. Who doesn't believe in all as for her this is nothing but a bunch of lies. why am even writing this It is not like it will affect them who once said they don't like tears in my eyes but now the reason for my burning heart and teary eye.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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