Tae hold Jimin by shoulder and started to drag the stumbling make to his car who was blabbering anything that comes to his tongue making other and his friend to laugh at him...

"But wait, Tae!"...Jimin exclaimed, his words slurring slightly.

"I need to find my unicorn. I swear I left it somewhere around here!"...he said with wide eyes

"Don't worry, Jimin. I'll help you find your unicorn... tomorrow''...Tae chuckled, gently urging Jimin into the passenger seat...

"But what if it gets lonely without me?''...jimin protested, a pout on his lips.

"I'm sure your unicorn will understand. Now buckle up, it's time to go home and get some rest''....tae rolled his eyes with a smile

With that, Tae started the car, knowing that getting Jimin safely home was the most important thing. As they drove off into the night, Jimin continued to ramble about unicorns, laughter filling the air as they left the chaos of the party behind them.

When they reached tae tried to guide Jimin outside the car, Jimin's legs seemed to have a mind of their own, wobbling and veering off course...

"Whoa there, Jimin''...Tae said frustrated struggling to keep his friend upright

"You're like a drunk octopus trying to salsa dance''...tae said and laughed

''I'm a majestic octopus, Tae! Watch me dance with the stars!"...Jimin burst into laughter, his steps becoming even more erratic...

With a playful eye-roll, Tae continued to drag Jimin towards the house door, trying to stifle his own laughter at his friend's antics.

"Just a few more steps, Jimin, we are almost here''... Tae encouraged, suppressing a grin..

But as they stumbled forward, their feet getting tangled up in each other's, gravity proved to be the ultimate equalizer. With a synchronized thud, both Tae and Jimin kissed the ground, their laughter echoing into the night.

"Well, that wasn't quite the graceful exit I had in mind''...Tae remarked, trying to catch his breath between laughs...

"We should audition for the next season of 'Dancing with the Stars'...Jimin giggled uncontrollably, sprawled out beside Tae...

Tae couldn't help but join in Jimin's laughter, realizing that even in the midst of their stumble-filled journey. As they picked themselves up and brushed off the dust, Tae couldn't help but feel grateful for nights like these, filled with laughter, silliness, and the warmth of friendship...

He rang the bell, and Yoongi opened it with a bored expression, giving tight lipped smile to tae who wasn't fazed because it isn't new...

''Hey, hyung''...greeted tae with a smile while frown playing on his forehead struggling to balance Jimin

''hey''....he said simply

''here take your wifey''...tae mocked looking at Jimin who is looking at the stars and giggling

"Sure, just throw him on the couch. I'm too lazy to carry my drunk wifey around''...he said boredly and went inside just to throw himself on couch...

''such a lazy ass''...tae mumbled shaking his head and again struggled to take him inside and throwed him on couch who giggled without any reason..

Hearing the sound, hobi came from their room yawning and greeted tae with a smile with a thankyou to bring Jimin home once again...

''but don't yuh guys have that impact on him that he doesn't remember he is married to yuh both''...tae smirked while hobi looked at him confused and yoongi waited to listen further before giving any kind of reaction...

𝙵𝚞𝚛-𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜 {𝚃𝙺} ✓Where stories live. Discover now