D.va x male reader

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A/n: do you guys like Police d.va? Because I do!



At MekaCon we see two people there for two different reasons.

Hana "D.va" Song is a mega streamer, a national icon, and a Meka pilot. There for a press conference, the Esports awards, and meeting fans.

Then there is her boyfriend Y/n "G/n" L/n a relatively popular streamer. There for fun, Esports awards, and meeting up with fans.

The two came for more or less the same reasons however Y/n came for fun and Hana was there on business more than fun. And unlike pure fun, you get tired much faster. So after autograph signing, picture taking, and question answering Hana crashed on the bed in the hotel room.

Still, in her Police officer costume, she pulls out her phone to look at the time. Unfortunately, the convention center had closed for the day leaving her with no time to do what she wanted and far too tired to do anything else.

The door to the Hotel room door jingled open showing Y/n with far too much stuff for a reasonable.

Y/n: I'd say it was a pretty good haul today, I got a discount for that plushie you wanted.

Hana: sometimes I'm super jealous of you.

Y/n had put down the things before taking a set next to her on the bed.

Y/n; jealous? Of me? A humble little streamer?

D.va: you get to connect and talk with your fans in more than just answering yes or no questions.

Y/n: well you became an idol to most people, and out there, idols must keep up a public image. However behind closed doors you can do whatever you want, no D.va just Hana.

Hana smiled and lifted her arms in a grabbing motion.

Hana: then I want you to lay with me.

Y/n: don't you have an after-party to ge-ACH!

Hana had pulled Y/n into her arms and very close to her chest while petting his head.

Hana: whatever I want, remember?

Y/n: yeah but you're still in your costume don't you want to change?

D.va was already fast asleep quietly snoring. So Y/n waited for her arms to loosen up for him to escape to do other things while she had a quick rest.

**** sometime later ****

Hana woke up yawning and wiping some of the drool off her face and looked out the the window and saw it was pitch black.

A slight panic stewed in her stomach as she looked at her phone and saw it was late.

Y/n: oh look who's awake, morning sunshine.  You must have been tired, you didn't try to take off your pants.

Hana: how long have I been out?

Y/n: mmmh four-ish hours. Don't worry I've taken care of things.

Hana: things?

Y/n: I called D.mon and told her you weren't feeling well, and you wouldn't be going to the after-party. She was very understanding and wished for your wellness, then, and has just been editing things your things as well.

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