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The next morning, Jimin was up earlier than Jungkook. He left the bed slowly wanting Jungkook to sleep a few more hours and went downstairs to make some breakfast. It was already past 9 am and there was a lot to be done. When he finished making breakfast, he placed it inside the food warmer and went to the living area to watch some news on TV. They were still reporting about Chairman Jeon even though three days had passed. He watched mindlessly until he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. He turned around and saw Jungkook with his bed hair talking on the phone while walking down.

Jungkook walked over to Jimin and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead before he proceeded to sit. Jimin moved slightly so that they would be comfortable. Jimin studied Jungkook's face and noted the swollen eyes and red nose. It had not been an easy night. Watching Jungkook break down several times had traumatized him. He loved Jungkook too much to watch him be in that much pain and not be able to do anything. He ran his hands over Jungkook's hair and smoothed it back.

"I will mama." Jungkook said which caught Jimin's attention. The only person Jungkook called Mama was his mother. "We will go there in an hour or two." Jungkook got quiet as he listened and caressed Jimin's cheek. "You don't have to. Jimin is taking good care of me," Jimin raised his eyebrows wondering what his mother was telling his boyfriend. "I understand. See you later mama." Jungkook leaned back on the couch after he hung up.

"Why did my mother call you so early, I thought I told her you needed to rest."

"She called you, you forgot your phone in the bedroom," Jungkook spoke softly as he pulled Jimin to lean on his chest. Jimin felt flustered that he had forgotten his phone.

"What did she want,"

"They will be crashing here for a while. She said she wants to make sure I am taken care of."

"We can't get out of that, right?"

"Afraid not baby. They'll be here for a few days."

"Let's go eat breakfast then I'll call the cleaners to prepare their room." Jimin stood up and pulled Jungkook to stand up. Jungkook followed Jimin willingly.

Hours later, Jimin sat with his group members at a table in the corner of the mourning room. Jimin's eyes kept trailing to where Jungkook stood with his mother and Namjoon as guests paid their respects. Jungkook looked better than yesterday. Satisfied with what he saw, he turned his focus back to Hobi who was talking about something. Jimin racked his mind on what the topic was.

"That will be a lot of pressure on both of them. It's either Jungkook uproots his life from the States or hyung takes over. This is tough." Taehyung said. They were discussing the company. Jimin didn't want to input on it. Mr. Jeon had expressed several times that Jeongguk could move back to Seoul if he wanted to but Jeongguk had expressed that he needed to have more experience before returning home. That decision hadn't been easy on both of them.

   2 years ago.
Jeongguk and Jimin sat in Jeon Ju-won's office. Jimin had been called in from his vocal lessons by his manager and told to head to the CEO's office. When he got there, he knocked and entered when he heard affirmation. Jimin stopped short when he saw Jeongguk was seated on the couch and Ju-won sat opposite him. His breathing quickened and his hands became clammy.

"Jimin, have a seat." Jeongguk turned immediately and their eyes met. Jeongguk was just as shocked as Jimin. What did Mr. Jeon want? Jimin bowed to them and took a seat next to Jeongguk making sure he wasn't too close. "I called you here because there's something I need to discuss with you."
"Yes sir."
"This is something I have been thinking about for some time. You are aware that Jeongguk here is the president of our US branch, right?" Jimin nodded. "What's your take on moving him here?"
Jimins throat went dry. Why would the CEO need his input on that?
"Dad?" Jeongguk questioned his father.
"I just want an opinion." Ju-won rebutted.
"I think it's a good idea sir but ultimately Jeonggukssi has to decide whether he is up for it now," Jimin said simply and felt Jeongguk lean towards him slightly.
"Mmh Jeongguk what do you think?" Ju-won asked. Jimin turned to look at Jeongguk subtly. He didn't know Jeongguk was flying in. He had missed him. They had talked two days ago and they were both busy the previous day so they sent brief texts to each other. Jimin smiled a bit looking at his boyfriend of almost a year not knowing Ju-won was also observing him.

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