Bogum(Angrily shouted): SHUT UP!!!you don't need to tell me what should I do and what shouldn't  I!!because of your son,I had to turn orphan....I lost my damn family  because of him...and if you hadn't hear me talking about jiah that day then,I wouldn't have turned into a criminal too...

*now,Mr and Mrs Kim's throat became dried..words were not coming out from their mouth..just then,bogum took a knife from John which he was hiding..seeing that Mr and Mrs kim widen their eyes*

Mrs kim: w-what are you doing??

*Mr and Mrs kim tried to run but,bogum hold Mr kim which made Mrs kim stopped too..*

Mr kim(struggling in bogum's hold): honey,run!!

Mrs kim(crying): leave him,please...I beg you...

*she fall down and started begging*

Mr kim: just run,please....

Mrs kim(crying): i-i can't leave you alone...

Mr kim: for god sake,stop thinking about me...think about tae,!!

*Mrs kim was continously crying.. then,thinking about tae she tried to get up and run but before that John hold her..then,bogum laughed*

Bogum(smirking): now,your son will feel what I felt...


Mrs kim(crying): Nooooo!!!!

*bogum again stabbed Mr kim..After his fourth attempt when Mr kim finally stopped breathing then,he left him on the floor and walked towards Mrs kim who had no expression on her face except the flowing tears from her eyes..then,bogum started stabbing her too..soon,Mrs kim also stopped breathing...then,bogum called jaehyun...soon,he came there with his family...seeing the scene they gulped*

Bogum(blankly): now,do what I said...and,enjoy your property too..but remember,if you try to betray me then,the next person who will die by my hand will be YOU!!

*shiver ran through  jaehyun's body*

Jaehyun: don't worry...I won't do that...

Bogum: hm...I think,taehyung will be here,I am leaving now...

*then,bogum and John left from there*


*everyone was silent...bogum was looking down while jk was looking at him with lots of hatred*

John(guilty): even,han was planned by us...that day when bogum went to tae's  house...tae went away from the room for some minutes...just then,bogum called me and out of his anger,he said he will finish tae at any cost for jiah's  death...which was heard by Mr and Mrs kim...we thought to kill Mr and Mrs kim on the same day...but,we needed sometime to plan it properly  so that,police doesn't get involve in it...then,bogum introduced  tae to han..our plan was,han would make a good impression  on tae's  parents and will get involved in their family occasion so that,we can get more  information  about we planned, tae's  parents started liking han very much...and soon,with the help of han we found out about jaehyun..then,we choosed him to fulfil our plan..

Yoongi(blankly): is there anything else left to heard about??

John: everything was going according to our plan..but then,jaehyun  made a mistake..he tried to molest your mom which led his accident..he told us about it as,he was scared....then,we started finding about then,you guys sent that marriage proposal...thinking it was a old man Kai didn't wanted to do the,they wanted tae to do the marriage...bogum was very much angry about,it would backfire our plan..but soon,we got the information  about you guys...then,bogum and I understand  that you are doing it for,we let this marriage happen...After the wedding,we told jaehyun  everything...he was obviously  happy that his son got saved...and,we were happy thinking tae will suffer more...

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