Chapter 2

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As she goes to her next class, Olivia's thoughts are running around in circles inside her head. She just can't wrap her head around the situation with Damien. Just last year, he had been so mean to her, tormenting her endlessly by calling her mean names and even resorting to physical harm. Luckily for her, they don't share this next class, giving her time to sort the jumbled up thoughts. As she tries to figure things out, memories come flooding in like waves. A particular memory, however, sticks in her mind.
It's the last day of school. Finally, Olivia is cleaning out her locker so that nothing is left behind. She closes her locker for the very last time and turns to leave, but before she can even get a step in, she's slammed into that same locker as she has been so many times before. Pain runs up and down her spine, yet she still meets the eyes of Damien.
Leaning down to her face, he sneers, "Move out of the way fatty, you're taking up the entire hallway. "
Without another word, he and his group leave, laughing as if they'd done something funny. She goes home, trying to hold back the tears that are already coating her eyes, making them look like glass. Once she finally gets to her safe spot, she grabs a tub of ice cream to eat and cry.
-end of flashback-
Anger consumes Olivia all over again, allowing her to conclude that she would not speak to Damien again. She doesn't even care if he'll be in any of her other periods.
Which, as luck would have it, he's in the last two periods of the day. Of course, in sixth period, she's able to successfully ignore him, though she knows there was some sort of whimpering sound the whole time that reminded her of a dog or something. In her last period, PE, he decides to invade her space and sit extremely close to her on the bleachers (since it's the first day, they will not be doing any exercises, instead they're just going over what's expected in the year. ) Damien, though, tried to speak with her several times and got ignored by Olivia entirely.

After class is dismissed, Olivia is ready to go home. Damien catches her at her locker, however.
"Would you like a ride home? ", he asks hopefully.
"No thank you. ", She says as she looks up at him.
Despite the sigh that's caught in his chest, he forces an enthusiastic voice as he replies, "Come on! We could even go for a coffee or something! My treat!"
She shakes her head, "No thank you, "
By now, they are in the parking lot.
He stands in front of her, "Hey. Please talk to me. "
"I would like to be left alone. ", She says after a long sigh.
Damien gives a defeated look, "Please allow me to at least take you home. I won't be able to rest if I don't know whether or not you got home safely."
She gives in, wanting him to just stop bothering her already, so if she has to get a ride from him, she'll oblige. She gives him a slight nod and follows him to his car. It makes him happy that she's willing to take a ride from him, and he feels like yelling loudly for everyone to hear. He wants to tell the whole world that she's letting him give her a ride. She gets in, and fastens her seat belt begrudgingly. She turns to him.
"Take me straight home.", She tells him in a threatening voice.
"Of course."
As promised, he takes her straight home. When she gets out of the car, he does the same, confusing her slightly.
"Why are you getting out too?", She asks.
"To walk you to your door.", he makes it sound like it's so obvious, as if there's no other reason that could exist.
"That's not necessary."
"I know but...I want to. "
He smiles at her awkwardly, and the look in his eyes resemble a lovesick puppy. Defeated, she turns and walks to the door, with him following not too far behind. She unlocks the door and turns to him.
She monotonely says, " Thank you. "
"Anything for you. "
He places a quick kiss to her hand. Roughly, she pulls her hand back and goes inside, closing and locking the door in the process. She starts going to the kitchen but hears a knock. First, she looks into the peephole. It's Damien. Why is she not surprised? She gets annoyed and swings the door open.
"What?", She asks with a sour expression and an irate voice.
With a sheepish smile he says, "I forgot to ask for your number. I also want to say that I'll pick you up for school tomorrow. " He looks shy.
"No thank you."
She goes to close the door but he catches it.
Frowning he says, "Why are you pushing me away? I thought you said you'd give me a chance. "
"I said I would think about it. I never agreed. "
He drops onto his knees and tightly wraps his arms around her waist. Squeezing as he looks up.
He says, " Please! I'm really trying! Please!"
She huffs in annoyance, "If I give you my number, will you fo away? "
He nods enthusiastically.
She sighs in defear, "Give me your phone. "
He scrambles for his phone and hands it to her happily. He can't believe this. He's really getting her number. She's convinced that if he had tail, it would be wagging rigorously right now. After giving his phone back, she goes back inside and locks the door again, though she hears him yell a thank you through it.
She walks into the kitchen to grab a snack, then goes to her room. Since there is no homework to do, she takes the time to sit and think.
The longer she thinks the angrier she gets. After all he's said, after all he's done, after all the pain she's felt, and he seriously thinks that he has a chance with her? Why would she ever let him in? He doesn't deserve it. He's the least deserving person of her heart. So why did she give him her number? Could she have really gotten the door closed if she didn't?
She screams in frustration, then her phone dings. When she checks it, she sees that its Damien. So annoying.
Unsaved number: Hey! This is Damien. Whatcha doin?
She growls and throws her phone across the bed angrily. After thinking for a moment, she mutes her phone. She refused to answer him. She sees her phone light up but she ignores it. She's done for the day.

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