Ice-cream with Mum

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○○●Liked by landonorris, logansargeant, orian_montgomery and 567,812 others

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Liked by landonorris, logansargeant, orian_montgomery and 567,812 others

auroramontgamery when you, your mom and your aunt go out for ice-cream and your dad sends you a picture of him with your childhood crush

Tagged; orian_montgomery, sofialee_montgomery, louiselee_93

View all 12,345 comments

user1 hayden christensen being your childhood crush makes me love you even more

logansargeant MR MONTGOMERY IS HERE?? why haven't i seen him
auroramontogamery because he decided to attend comic con his words "meeting anakin skywalker is cooler than testing"
auroramontogamery I'm not even mad just jealous 😪
orian_montgomery womp womp
↳auroramontogamery WHO TAUGHT YOU THAT?? landonorris
landonorris ....🤨 😏
maxverstappen1 i have fomo rn

user2 rora being as fast as she is even tho she hasn't even done a full race yet is crazy
user3 what happened inbtesting i didnt get to watch it because of work 😔
user2 aurora was 5th fastest in testing which is crazy. Yeah sure its testing but to have that kinda speed
already is mental

"AURORA, ARE YOU SURE YOU'RE okay?" Her Mother and Aunt had noticed her mood had been down all day. They knew how Rora got in her own head at times.

The Williams driver ran a hand through her hair in frustration. "I did well in testing." She said. Sophia nodded her head at her daughters words. "Yeah, it's a good start." Her aunt said. "And everyone in the team is happy." She sounded as though she was trying to convince herself. "But?" Her Mom asked.

"But what if everyone is wrong? What if I'm not good enough?" Ever since she had signed her contract with Williams, Aurora had felt an immense pressure on her shoulders. Being the first female Formula One driver in over a decade was both a blessing and a curse. If she didn't do well she was proving the people online who thought her seat was undeserved, right. "I don't want to dissapoint you and Dad."

"Aurora." Her Mother spoke sternly, grabbing her daughters face gently in-between her hands. "You don't have to be a hero. You'rea human." Her voice was soft as she spoke to her daughter. "You will forever be my baby. No matter how many times you may crash or fall down or how old you may be, Mama will always pick you back up."

She kissed her daughters temple and brought her in for a tight squeeze. Her aunt Louise joined in as well with the woman stroking her niece's hair softly.

"Louise told me about Lando." Her Mother spoke as the three ladies ended their embrace. Rora sent her Aunt a glare for snitching to her mother. "Don't you think it's time you put yourself out there again?" Her Mom said slowly, as if testing the waters. "Mom!" She sang. "No boy talk, please!" Aurora always hated talking about her romantic life with her parents.

"You never speak about boys with me!" Her Mom started to laugh at the girls embarrassed state. "You don't have to go for Lando. There's plenty of fish in the sea. Your Dad was telling me about this boy he met during the Monaco Grand Prix last year. What was his name–" Aurora groaned. "Please don't make me talk about this–"

"It started with an 'F'. He races on bikes if I'm not mistaken. " Louise cut her sister off, saving Aurora from making a run for it. "Okay, let's change the topic before the poor girl turns into a tomato."

Her mother let out an mischievous giggle as she watched her daughter die from embarrassment. "It's character development!" She held her hands up in surrender and dropped the subject.

The three of them payed for their dessert  and headed back to their hotel. Her father would be meeting them there later on once his plane lands. Aurora noticed her mother was in deep thought. "Whats wrong?"

"I'm just trying to remember that boys name." Aurora groaned. "I thought we agreed to drop the subject all togeth–" Her words were interrupted when her Mom gasped in realization. "Fabio! That's his name."


Her mother nodded her head rapidly. "You know him?" She said with a knowing smirk. Aurora shook her head 'no'. "Just heard of him. He's apparently coming to the first race. Atleast that's what Max said."

Louise gave her sister a nudge. "Leave the poor girl be." Her Mom shrugged. "Alright, I'll stop bothering you about it." She wrapped her arm around her daughter as the two aproached the entrance of the hotel. The three women went their separate ways, each of them heading off to bed.

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