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BAHRAIN WENT WELL FOR Aurora. She had finished P9 after qualifying P11. Jeddah wasn't too bad either. She qualified P13 and finished P12. Unfortunately no points but still a good result none the less.

Austraila on the other hand, was a race Aurora had been looking forward to. The track was her favourite. Having finished on the podium twice in Formula 2, there was obviously going to be pressure frok the media.

If she was honest she was nervous. Aurora knew that the nerves weren't good for a racer. It always made you second guess yourself. She had already had a panic attack on the plane due to the amount of shit the media had to say about her race in Jeddah.

She knew it wasn't healthy, putting all this stress on herself. She had barely been able to sleep last night. Be it the jet lag or the anxiety, the girl kept tossing and turning. She eventually fell asleep at around 3am, only get 5 hours of sleep before she and her Aunt went sight seeing.

Her parents wouldnt be able to join this race as her Mom was busy filming a movie in Korea and her Dad was practicing for his next Match.

She had also been dealing with fans bombarding her about her ex seeing her former best friend. The amount of interviews her Aunt canceled because the media kept sending questions about Gavin was astounding.

Aurora didn't understand their interest in her love life. They didn't hound any of the drivers about their former relationship as far as she is aware of. Why couldn't they just mind their business?

She wasn't even sad that Gavin had left her for someone else. She was heartbroken that the only person, outside of her racing friends, had stabbed her in the back.

Jennifer and Aurora had been friends since the two girls were in diapers. Their parents had been friends for years and when the Lewis couple had sided with their daughter, Monty and Sophia had both lost one of their closest friends.

The couple didn't blame their daughter. Matter of fact they actually felt relieved when they saw how untrustworthy the whole family truly was.

The trash had taken it self out.

Aurora had also decided that after Gavin, she wasn't interested in anymore relationships. She had almost thought about giving up her F1 seat because her boyfriend wanted her to.

I know how dumb, but you must understand, Aurora had been blinded by love. It was her first relationship and the two had been together for years. If giving up her seat meant she saw him more she would have done.

Not anymore.

Fuck that shit. If he wasn't going to make sacrifices for her then she wasn't gonna make sacrifices for him. That was her new moto in life.

From now on Aurora would give what she'd receive. You treat her like shit? Fine so be it, but dont be shocked when it comes right back at you.

Fabio on the other hand had tried and failed miserably at getting the girls attention. "Mabye she doesn't check her DMs?" Tom said. Fabio looked up at his friend with a blank expression. "Mabye try getting to know her as friends first." Tom said.

Fabio sighed but nodded. "You're not gonna listen yo me are you?" Tom said. Fabio didn't say anything and simply gave his friend a cheeky smirk.

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