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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

LOGAN AND AURORA MADE their way towards the table that the waiter told them to go to. There they saw Sophia and Orion sat on one side of the table, Tom sat at the head with Fabio on a seat to his right. That left two seats open for the driver duo. Aurora had texted her Aunt just before she left, asking if she'd be joining them. Louise declined the offer as she just wanted to sleep tonight. "Logan!" Sophia said excitedly.
The American held a special place in Monty and Sophia's hearts.

When Aurora had found out Gavin had cheated on her with her best friend she had been shattered. To make matters worse she was miles away from home and didn't have the comfort of her mother's arms.

Thankfully, Logan had been there. He had picked up all her broken pieces and would comforted her on the nights she'd cry herself to sleep. He was like family to the Montgomerys.

"Hello Mrs Montgomery." The driver grinned at the woman from ear to ear and gave her a hug. "I told you not to call me that, it makes me feel old." Sophia said, jokingly wacking him on the head. "That's why I do it!" He then quickly sat down next to Fabio, Rorie wasn't gonna complain about that. Logan then gave her a curious smirk. "Logan Sargeant." He said extending his hand out for Fabio to shake. Fabio took his hand and shook it. "Nice to meet you Logan, I'm Fabio and this is Tom."

Logan shook his hand too. Tom then turned to Aurora. "You must be Aurora! I've heard some things about you." He gave Fabio a teasing grin. "Were these two gossiping about me again?" She said jokingly.

Tom shook his head, "Fabio was actu- Ow!" Tom turned to glare at said man and Aurora could only assume that Fabio must have hit him under the table. "I suppose I shall take a seat before everyone starts staring." She says.

She did as she said and sat across from Tom. "So," Her father said, "are you guys looking forward to tomorrow?"

Aurora and Logan shook their heads 'no'. Sophia on the other hand looked more nervous than her own daughter. The poor woman barely slept a wink, too worried about her daughter's safety. "I'm sure Mom is looking forward to it." Aurora gave her Mom a cheeky smile. Sophia stuck her tongue out at her taughter teasingly.

"I'm sure you'll do good." Tom says. "Fabio used to watch your F2 races alot and from what I've heard your pretty fast." Aurora turned to look at Fabio in surprise whilst Monty raised a question brow. "You watched my races?" Fabio gave her a shy smile. "Bits and pieces."

"He's lying-" Tom grunted in pain. "Not again." He says, rubbing his shin. Fabio sent his friend a pointed look and before he could say anything, the waiter came over to take their order. After a while their food had finally arrived and they had all dug.

While Aurora was trying to enjoy her food in peace, her phone was practically blowing up. She checked her phone with the intention of switching it off but she saw she was being tagged in one specific post. Just to see what the fuss was about, Aurora clicked on the notification and when she saw what it was she felt sick.


Liked by jennifermarielewis and 51,674 others

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Liked by jennifermarielewis and
51,674 others

gavinhughes_official Happy one year anniversary gorgeous. Couldn't have imagined anyone better by my side ❤️

Tagged; jennifermarielewis

View all 123,456 others

user1 one year ago? wasn't he
still dating aurora??
user2 mabye they were already
broken up and just didn't say anything
user3 they were still seen on dates and even went on family vacations together...
user2 pr?
user1 not with the way she
was looking at him. She was in LOVE

user4 cute 😍
jennifermarielewis <3

user5 this isn't as big of a flex as you think it is

user6 auroramontogamery
user7 why would you tag her??

user8 they're literally couple goals 🫶

Author's note
Why is Bistro huddy more entertaining than any show I have watched in months??

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