We're getting published!!

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I apologise if I get all girly and gushy, but I have been keeping this news to myself for so long I thought I was going to explode!

I'm sharing this awesome news with all my wonderful Wattpad fans first as you have been so loyal and supportive. Even when I left you hanging, waiting for me to upload a new chapter.

But now I can tell you that I have signed a publishing deal for the first book that I wrote on Wattpad.

It will be published in all formats on July 19th. Yay :)

Yes, yes yes, it's true and I'm so excited. (Jumps around squealing).

I always dreamed of this moment from the time I started writing when I was back in school. But never thought it would ever happen. Now, thanks to this awesome site and all of you. Yes you there, sat reading this on your phone at the back of the class. I would never have got this far without all of you. So as a thank you there will be a few special events happening, leading up to the launch of the book.

First I need to warn you that I will have to take down a large portion of the book due to copyright reasons. But the new, professionally edited version will have two bonus chapters and a prologue. We have also decided on a title change, which is: Midsummer Magic.

I want to reassure you that I will still be here on Wattpad, beavering away on my other stories. So feel free to drop me a line or a comment. You know I love hearing from you all.

Now comes the best bit :)

My publisher is setting me up with a fancy website , and they are going to be holding a cover contest. That's right! You can submit a cover, to become the official cover of the published book.  Your name will be put in the book, and on the back of the physical cover of the book! Plus you'll win a free copy of the new improved version!

I know what a talented lot you all are, so I'm really excited to see what you come up with. And what better way to thank you for encouraging me to continue writing?

Here are the guidelines. 

Just mail the covers to me at emmie_kates.awesomeauthors.org/) by (July 5, 2015). The only requirements are:

 Book Cover Guidelines

1. Know that if we choose your cover you will get credit ON the physical cover and inside the book. This can actually help you a lot as a graphic artist and bring you future work from us and other book publishers.

2. You will have to fill out a form that lets us have the cover.

3. You can not use any copyright images. You can use Royalty Free Images.

4. We need a high res format of the cover in JPG and Photoshop format, as well so that we can use it for the paperback version of the book.

5. Cover Image size should be 5.5 by 8.5 inches in 300 Pixels per inch resolution.

6. Hints....

• The cover has to look good when Amazon Thumbnail size. The idea is that people WANT to click on it when they see the thumb nail. • The text needs to be readable. • You should use only 1 font. • The cover needs the title AND the author's name

7. The cover needs to have the Title and the Author's Name visible. Midsummer Magic - Emmie Lou Kates

8. If your covers wins we will do everything we can to use it. If it wins we will WANT to use it because that will give us the most future sales. BUT... You do need to know that there can be odd reasons why we might not be able to. For example we might not be able to use the Photoshop file for some reason or we might find a copyrighted image in the cover design.

9. Submit your created cover on or before Deadline of cover contest.

Once again I can't thank you enough for getting me to this point in my writing career. You are all truly awesome and I love you loads.

Emmie xxxx

Midsummer's MagicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora