PROLOGUE:Out of the Nothing World

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(Nothing World) (Time: Unknown)

P.O.V Rasazy

Rasazy, weary of her persistent boredom despite her efforts, finds herself back in the "nothing world" with her brother after another journey through an alternate universe within the Canon Timeline. In this particular AU, not much differs from Canon except for the absence of the rap battle between The Boyfriend and their parents.

As she awaits her brother's return from scouting other AUs, Rasazy occupies herself with one of the many romance novels collected during their travels. However, her attention is soon drawn to a peculiar notebook that she doesn't recall acquiring. Despite her uncertainty, Rasazy's morbid curiosity gets the better of her, compelling her to pick it up. Though the cover fails to intrigue her, the title, "Fundamental Paper Education," sparks her interest.

Rasazy muses on the intriguing title, "What an interesting title for such a simple notebook," before her gaze falls upon a label affixed to the notebook, cautioning her not to open it. Despite the warning, her curiosity gets the better of her, and she disregards it, opening the notebook without a second thought. In an instant, her surroundings dissolve into a blinding white light, plunging her into an unknown and unexpected phenomenon.

No One P.O.V.

When Rasazy opened the notebook and fainted, a crack of the FNF Multiverse appeared and turned open a gap, which sucked her into the gap to its destination, which sent her to the Fundamental Paper Education Multiverse.The gap she left behind quickly closed as if there was never one to begin with and the book Decays to Atoms never existed.

Meanwhile, Selever P.O.V.

Selever steps through the portal after completing his scouting of alternate universes within the Canon timeline. Expecting to reunite with his dear little sister, Rasazy, he calls out to her eagerly.

"Hey, little sister, guess who's back?!" he exclaims, scanning the boundless expanse of the Nothing World. Instead of finding Rasazy, however, he is met with a surreal sight: piles upon piles of romance novels strewn about as if caught in a hurricane.

Confusion gives way to frustration as Selever assumes Rasazy is playing a prank by hiding from him. "Ugh, Lil Sis, stop hiding. You ain't fooling anyone with this," he grumbles, his voice echoing in the empty void.

But as the silence persists, Selever's concern deepens. With a mixture of annoyance and worry, he resorts to a tactic guaranteed to provoke Rasazy: insulting her beloved romance novels and his cursing.

"Your fucking romance novels are all utter trash!" he shouts into the emptiness, expecting a reaction that never comes.

Perplexed by Rasazy's absence and the lack of her typical response to his taunts, Selever realizes the gravity of the situation. "That's weird," he mutters to himself. "She would've blown her fuse by now."

As anxiety gnaws at him, Selever considers the myriad possibilities of Rasazy's disappearance. Was she abducted? Lost in another AU? The unanswered questions weigh heavily on him, causing his head to ache with worry.

But amidst the uncertainty, one thing remains certain: Selever's determination to find his sister, no matter the cost. "Don't worry, Rasazy," he vows solemnly. "Big Brother Selever will find you and take you home, even if it's the last thing I must do. Whatever it takes."


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