Chapter Five

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Everything moved faster than expected and I got the keys at dinner time.

The money was transferred, the papers were signed, and that place was all mine. I hadn't even seen the garage yet,
but I would have bought a rundown leaky shack for the same price if it meant I got to live next to a goddess like

The power was cut off and it was too late to hook it back up, but I didn't really care. I grabbed my bag, pillow, and sleeping bag out of my trunk, and headed into my new mansion. The fridge was empty and there was no furniture in any of the rooms. I could have stayed at a hotel for another few nights until the movers came, but I couldn't bear to be away from my girl. I knew I wouldn't have slept a wink. Even driving back to my hotel to get my bag was torture.

I was already out of my mind obsessed with this girl. I couldn't stop thinking about her.

She was dominating my every thought.

I placed my running shoes near the front door where I could quickly put them on if I spotted her jogging by. I asked the neighbour what she liked to do.

Sienna McFall loved to jog, and I was quickly in love with her.

My mind was racing with all the dirty things I wanted to do to her. I paced around the house for a bit until it was either drive myself insane or do a few laps in the pool to burn off some of that pent-up energy.

I put my bathing shorts on and dove into the huge in-ground pool, groaning as I felt the cool water run over my hot

Maybe swimming near the end of fall was not such a bad idea.

Even underwater, I couldn't escape the thoughts of her. I could still feel the softness of her skin. It was driving me crazy.

I swam until my arms were numb and when I got out of the pool, my cock was rock hard from thinking about her.

I had been so distracted that I forgot my towel in my bag. I headed into the house to get it when my heart stopped. I
saw her through the window, jogging by my house.

She was wearing tight red shorts and a pink tank top. My heart started racing as I rushed over to my shoes. I was only in my bathing suit, but I didn't have time for a shirt or socks. That girl was moving fast, and I didn't want to lose her.

I tied my laces as quickly as possible and darted out the door, not even bothering to lock it.

Nothing was more important than her.

"Shit," I whispered when I saw how far down the street she was. "Why did I do so many damn laps?"

I ran like there was a rabid bear chasing me, pumping my arms and legs until they were burning. I started to gain some ground on her, but she was a quick little thing and remained far ahead.

My eyes were locked on her ass in those tight little shorts. I wanted to rip them off with my teeth to get to the juicy bit

Panic started to fill me when she turned left on a street and disappeared from my view. I dug down deep and ran as fast as I could, turning down the street only a few seconds later. Relief flooded into me when I saw her auburn ponytail bouncing on her back.

It wasn't long before I caught up. She gasped when I popped up beside her, but then she smiled.

"Already sweating, are you?" she asked with an adorable grin. "Your new house is not that far away."

"You heard?" I asked as I admired her side profile.

She was even more gorgeous than I remembered.

"I saw the sold sign as I jogged by. Congratulations."

"Thanks. And this is not sweat. I was in the pool."

She smiled and I swore my heart nearly gave out. "Normally, people go swimming after they jog."

"Well, I go jogging whenever I see my sexy neighbor taking off down the street."

A guy was washing his car in his driveway and he stopped when he saw us approaching. A low territorial growl left my throat when I saw him gawking at her.

He glanced at me and his eyes widened when he saw the enraged look on my face.

Suddenly, he realized he needed
something in his garage and he hurried into it, leaving the hose leaking down his driveway.

It wasn't going to take long before everyone on the block knew that this girl was mine alone to look at. She was off-limits to their wandering eyes.

We chatted as we ran, and by the time we reached the park, I was utterly in love with this smart, funny, spectacular

"So, why do you jog?" I asked.

She looked up at me, her big brown eyes sparkling.

"I'm going to be a baker," she laughed. "All I will do all day is taste cake. I need to stay in shape."

My eyes glanced down at her body, and I felt the best tingle down my spine.

"I want another kiss," I said as we took a few moments to stretch on the freshly cut grass.

She grinned as she grabbed her ankle and stretched out her leg. My eyes roamed up her bare thigh to the tight red shorts that were moulded to her sexy mound.

"It's all I've been able to think about," I said as my heart pounded.

I still couldn't believe I was acting this way. I had never had a girl get under my skin like this before. Never.

"I'll tell you what," she said as she got up and started bouncing up and down on her toes, "I'll race you to that lamppost over there. If you win, you can kiss me."

"And if you win?" I asked.

"I can use your pool whenever I want. I love the pool in the fall with all the different coloured leaves in the water."


"Really?" she asked with a smile.

I didn't answer. I just took off running. I wasn't above cheating if it meant holding her again.

I had a head-start, but this girl was fast. I was pumping my arms, my heart slamming into my ribcage, thighs on fire, and she was still passing me.

I couldn't help but grin as she pulled in front of me by a couple of feet.

My girl whizzed past the pole, and I crossed it a second later.

We both had our hands on our knees, breathing hard and smiling as we looked at each other.

"I was going to let you use my pool anyway," I told her.

She grinned. "I was going to let you kiss me anyway."

That was all the invitation I needed. I charged up to her and sank my tongue into her mouth as she wrapped her arms around me.

I could have stayed like that forever, kissing hard and pulling each other close.

She tasted like sweet innocence, and I couldn't get enough of it.

Her breasts were pressed into my chest, making my cock so hard that it hurt. I slid my hand down her back and
gripped her ripe little ass cheek until she whimpered into my mouth.

"You're staying with me tonight," I said on her parted lips.

"Okay," she whispered back. "I'll come over once my aunt and uncle are in bed."

Our lips met again as I claimed her mouth like I would be claiming her sweet, juicy hole later tonight.

I wondered if she knew that once I had her, I wouldn't ever let her go. If not, she would find out soon enough.

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