Chapter Two

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I needed to know everything about her. I needed to meet her, to touch her, to taste her.

"What do you think?" The agent asked, snapping me out of my hypnotic daze. "Would this office work for you?"

I charged past him, rushing out of the office to get to her before my heart exploded. I was all jittery and on edge without her in my sight as I took three stairs at a time on the way down.

I needed to know who she was. I wondered if she was the owner's wife, and that thought made my body shake with rage.

The rational part of me that was not a possessive beast knew she was young. She looked about twenty.

The emotions swirling through me were so overwhelming. This was not like me at all. I was always so cool and calm. I had to deal with the scum of the earth in New York City for a living.

My hands were shaking. Literally shaking.

I tore through the kitchen and ripped open the sliding doors. She had headphones on so she didn't see me as I rushed around the pool, breathless as I hurried to her side.

She was bobbing her head to the music, and I could see through her sunglasses that her eyes were closed. My reflection was staring back at me, looking staggered and disheveled as my heart did flips in my chest.

I wanted to touch her so badly.

I had to fight the intense urge to sit down on her chair and run my palm up her soft, smooth thighs until I got to her
sweet mound that was only covered by a thin strip of damp material.

She was strange and otherworldly. Not only did she enter a pool at the end of autumn, she was wearing a pink checkered bikini top with a red polka dot thong.

My mouth watered as I soaked in the stunning view.

A growl rumbled out of my throat when I watched a bead of sweat slide down her chest between those sweet tits.

She must have heard it because she opened her eyes and gasped as she jerked up to a seated position.

We stared at each other for a long, heated moment and neither of us moved until I slowly reached out and slid her sunglasses onto the top of her head.

Her brown eyes hit me right in the core, gripping me, squeezing me, killing me. She is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

I wanted her. I needed her.

She was mine. I didn't care what I had to do from that moment on to get her, but I already made up my mind. This girl was all mine.

I was the kind of guy who would fight with every breath to get what he wanted, and the only thing I wanted was her.

She was looking up at me with guilty eyes. I wanted to tell her there was nothing she could do to upset me, but the realtor came racing out of the house like an angry bull.

"What are you doing here?" he shouted. "You're not allowed here! Don't you know this guy is a cop!"

Rage ripped through me. My pulse raced and my hands squeezed into tight fists. Nobody talked to my girl like that.


She started to quickly gather her things, but I put a hand up, stopping her.

"Wait a second," I growled.

I turned around with a snarl and charged right up to the agent. His eyes were on my girl until I grabbed him by the neck and slammed him into the side of the house.

I glared at him as his skin turned red and his eyes widened in panic. "She can stay wherever she wants, you got that?"

His head bounced up and down. "Yes, Officer Chastain!"

"Good. Now go wait inside." I threw him toward the door, and he quickly rushed in obediently.

Maybe I was a little rough with him, but anyone who dared to talk to my girl like that was going to find out how protective I could be.

And so was my girl.

She was going to find out what a possessive bastard I could be.

This girl was mine.

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