Chapter Two

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Skye's POV

This is gonna be a long day....

I head out, seeing the Sun rise and decided to walk to school. I put my earpods in my ears and start listening to 'begin' by Jungkook of BTS.

After a few minutes of walking, I reached my school.

"Skyeeeee!" Her cheery voice and tight hug brings me back to reality as I smile and hug her back,"I missed you sososoooo muchhhh!!" Millie squealed.

"How was spring break, Skye?" another voice asked. It was Jisung.

"It was great," I said as Millie wiggled her eyebrows at me and Jisung laughed at her gesture.

I've always liked Jisung more than a friend. He was everything I could ask for in a man. He was smart, he was handsome, and he was polite too. Millie and Jisung both know about my feelings, it's just that Jisung told me he wanted to wait until graduation.

"Heyyyy babe," I hear another familiar voice as Millie hugs a lean, muscular body. "Hey bro" he greets Jisung while still hugging Millie. Then he breaks the hug and looks at me with a tiny smirk-grin as he greets me." Hey Skye, how have you been?" His voice is strangely intoxicating to me...Shut up Skye, he is Millie's boyfriend, plus you love Jisung.

"Skye?" "You there?" He smirks a bit and I snap out of it, saying," Hi Minho, I've been great, how about you?"

I smile as I see Jisung stand next to me as his arm brushed against mine. Minho noticed that as his smirk became wider. "Okay, let's head inside y'all!" I shake off the feeling of Minho looking me up and down as I hurriedly walk into the school.


Author's POV

Jisung and Minho walk a slight distance behind Skye and Millie, who had one arm looped around Skye's.

"You know, Millie is so pretty, why do you give her so little attention?" Jisung asked Minho.

"Skye loves you since middle school and she's so perfect plus she is literally a goddess,so why did you reject her?"

"I wanna date after grad-" " Oh shut up Jisung you and I know that's bullshit. So know , tell me the real reason why,"Minho cut Jisung off.

"Guys come on! Y'all are so slow!" Jisung stopped as he heard Millie's voice.

"Coming babyyy!" Minho smirks at Jisung and runs off, leaving Jisung.


Author's note!

Hello darlings!
How are y'all doing? Also how is the story so far?

Please give me honest reviews on this book so far!

Anyways I have to study for a French test so byeeee

With love,


Him and I (fem!readerxLee Minho)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora