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Blaise had told me that Mattheo was wondering if Alex could meet him down at the library, spite his hesitation he decided he would. After Blaise left Alex got into a more put together outfit, black dress pants and a ironed dark brown short sleeved button up. He decided not to tuck it in giving him a more casual demeanor to his look. He brushed his hair before playing a bit with it so it was perfect. Alex ended it off with his favorite cologne, after he applied the cologne he grabbed his book back and slipped his loafers on before heading down. He was quite his head a little down as we walked down the stairs. He heard Regan make a snide comment but chose to ignore her. God she is suck a twat. Alex thought to himself well making his way to the door so he could leave the Slytherin common rooms. He took a deep breath before stepping out, the halls were a little loud which at first was overwhelming. Alex took another deep breath than took the next step. Slowly he made his way up the stairs and heading to the library. I got this. I got this. I got this! He repeated to him self again and again. Alex look forwards well clutching his bag, he could feel he was a bit stress but over all he seemed to just spill confidants. He got to the doors of the library and slowly opened the door and walked in. Alex walked around a bit before he spotted Mattheo, once he did he walked over with a big grin till he spotted Lilith. Alex's face dropped and he felt smaller than before.

"Hey" Alex greeted the two quietly.

"Hello Alex, how are you holding up?" Mattheo asked Alex well making eye contact, Mattheo's eyes were soft.

"Hello." Lilith spoke not able to make eye contact with him at all.

"I'm doing very well Matt, and nice to see you Lilith." Alex's voice was quiet when he responded to Lilith.

"It's good to see you again." Lilith waited till Alex sat down before she got down the the chase. "Hey, Alex I'm so sorry for what I said. I was stupid to thi8nk you would do that, I know its not going to make what I did any better. I just hope on day we can go back to normal." Lilith whispered the last part a bit.

Alex looked away as he slowly thought through this all. What should I do... He was thinking to himself before Mattheo interrupted his thinking.

"Lilith just didn't want to get into shit, it doesn't make what she did right. She misses you a lot and is upset at herself for what she did." Mattheo tried to explain.

"Yeah, and I'm sorry for what Braden did, though he didn't get fair I can see it affected you. Next time I see him am going to pound him." Lilith added, she looked at Alex hoping he would look at her.

Alex slowly looked over at Lilith and put a small smile on. "Thank you Lilith."


Mattheo was walking back with Alex to their dorms. The studying went well and it seemed like Lilith and Alex might be friends again. He was happy to see them talk again, he enjoyed watching Alex's slowly start to light up again, his eyes less heavy. Alex was going on about potions, Mattheo wasn't paying attention but he was lost in Alex's eyes. God, he is such a pretty boy, I could just- what the fuck am I thinking. Mattheo blinked, well zoning back in. They were in the common room when Regan called out.

"There is that cheater." She hissed at Mattheo, he winced at this. He was going to ignore her but Alex had a different idea.

"How about you shut the fuck up you insecure bitch. He isn't cheating, he has a life other than dealing with your needy ass." Alex snapped and turned to look at Regan. Her jaw was open.

God that was hot-

"What the fuck did your gay ass say?" Regan hissed back and started to go over to Alex.

"I was fucking tell you to go choke on a cock and start to get a fucking life!" Alex spat at Regan. Regan walked right up to him to slap her. Mattheo grabbed her arm.

"Regan stop. He has a point go cool off." Mattheo says his voice grim and stern. He pushed her back a bit before gripping onto Alex's arm dragging him out. How dare she try and hit my Alex. Mattheo thought to himself as he gritted his teeth. He was livid, he was about on his wits end wit that stupid girl. He needed to end it. They made their way up to the dorm. Mattheo closed the door and as he turn around he felt some arms around him.

"Thank you Matt." Alex whispered as he was hugging Mattheo.

"No Problem buddy." Mattheo smiled softly as he hugged Alex back. They stood there for what seemed like it had been forever. God I love this boy.

When they stopped hugging Alex went to go shower leaving Mattheo to his own mind. Mattheo was just in pure bliss, but at the same time he was wondering how he would break it off with Regan, and how this would end. God, this isn't going to be go. Than with the plans my father has. This could go bad really fast if I cant have some for of control over this all... Mattheo's mind was running, with plans and ideas. He just hoped he could get this all over with soon. I hope the others aren't this worried...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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