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They were now sitting down at a booth in The Three Broomstick, they were eating for they order. Alex was showing  Mattheo muggle math finding it amusing that he had never learned before and was struggling with the basis of it all. Alex enjoy not fighting with him for once, Alex could feel Braden graze his thigh not giving a care.

"What the fuck is wrong with muggles!" Mattheo whined and rested his head on the table. "Why do they force their kids to learn this!"

"Because they don't have magic, I don't know I enjoyed learning it." Alex smiled with a giggled.

"Well you're crazy." Mattheo stated.

"Mhm sure, keep using me as a mirror." Alex laughed.

"Hey!" Mattheo glared playfully, as he booped Alex. Alex Enjoyed this, he enjoyed that him and Mattheo were not fighting for once. It was nice. Alex also had a feeling that the others set up for this, or something.

"Just speaking facts." Alex giggled. Alex was enjoying his time when he felt Braden grab hid thigh squeezing it, he turned a little pink and he slowly went quiet to listen to Draco talk about a stupid thing him and Blaise has done over the summer.

"Yeah Blaise said he could climb a tree so he did but he fell and got stuck hanging upside down." Draco smiled well poking fun at Blaise.

"Hey at least I did it. You were to much of a bloody Wuss to do it." Blaise smiled and nudged Draco, which Draco blushed a bit in embarrassment.

"Shut up! After I fell out of that tree, in front of Harry. I simply refuse." Draco tried to defend himself.

"Sure buddy." Blaise messed Draco's hair as the waiter came with the six boys Butterbeers. Alex enjoyed to watch them all act like nothing happened.

God how I missed this...

"Cheers to making it to our last year Lads." Theodore lifts his mug with the biggest grin you could ever see.

Alex smiled and raised his mud. "Cheers" He said along with the others. They all clinked their muds and took a good chug out of their mugs, well Alex didn't he was to proper. They all laughed and enjoyed their time together. After getting butterbeer they went and got sweets before heading back to the castle. Alex notice Mattheo walking over when Braden did something... He kissed him.


Blaise had noticed how Braden was touching Alex under the table and spite Alex looking flustered and knowing he liked Braden, Blaise knew more. Well getting the sweets Blaise had overhear Braden talking to another about some interesting topics about Alex.

"Yeah the Alex, he is so easy. I give it no longer than a week. Ill make him love me and drop him. No problem Regan." Blaise over heard this and felt anger grow in him. He really thought that Braden was going to help Alex. God Blaise just hated how people used Alex over and over again. it was stupid and unfair. Blaise took a deep breath and went to Alex, he knew it was best to keep his mouth shut and just protect Alex. On the walked to Hogwarts he had given Draco the heads up and Blaise stayed about five feet behind Braden at all times. Blaise watch Braden grabbing Alex by his hand or hip. He could feel his tempter shorten. The last straw was when Braden kissed Alex, he could see Mattheo shocked and walk off. Blaise knew that Alex would fall for him and not thinking Blaise just took Alex and spun him around and trapped him in a kiss. He could see the anger in Draco's eyes and knew he was going to get an ear full. After that he didn't respond the Alex just dragged him to the dorm.


Mattheo wanted to talk to Alex, he want to apologize and be friends again. He missed Alex so much it was painful, his heart felt like it was getting ripped to shreds. He wanted to take Alex somewhere, where the others weren't going to be. once they were back and Mattheo said his goodbyes to Theo he turned to go talking Alex to see Braden kissing him. He was filled with jealously. That should be me. Mattheo was thinking not caring to clue in. Before he could blink he watch as Blaise did the same, one hand on Alex's face the other on his hip, He watched Blaise pant a bit before dragging off Alex. What the- that. Mattheo's mind was scrambled, he felt weak, all he could do is let his feet take him to his dorm, he walked in and flopped into his bed. He felt his heart shatter into pieces, his breath got faster and for once in his life he was crying. If father found out about this he would kill me... Fuck I think I love that boy. What is wrong with me...

[sorry it is short kind of tired and stuff. I hope this was alright, got your gears rolling. this is where the plot will start to plot more lol]

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