That night.

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Alex was in bed reading not yet ready for bed though, he was just trying to unseen what he had seen that evening. He didn't know why but seeing Mattheo be like that with someone angered him, and made him feel just a little sad, but Alex brushed the feeling away just engrossed with his book. He wasn't looking forward to the moment that Mattheo came back. Mattheo had followed Regan as she stormed out yelling at him. She has such a tempter and so overdramatic. I can't see what Matt sees in her. As he continued to read his mind else where as the book made him feel like he was in a completely different world. It was calming, he could just try and ignore all thoughts and let his mind go to into the book and the world it handed him. Alex was off in his own world again when Mattheo walked in, his hair messy and he looked tired. Alex look up from his book to see Mattheo glaring at him.

"Don't tell a fucking soul." Mattheo sternly hissed at Alex.

"Why would I? I already want to bleach my eyes." Alex retorted, well rolling his eyes. Alex slipped his bookmark in the book and closed it looking to Mattheo. "We need ground rules."

"Oh fuck off Alex, I-"

"Shut up and listen here. I don't want that to happen again nor do you right? No bringing partners in the dorm room unless the other is not at Hogwarts, for instance if I was no here during Christmas that's fine but if I'm here no." Alex looked Mattheo in the eyes as he spoke, his voice was stern telling Mattheo he wasn't joking.

"Like anyone would date you, you're just an annoying jealous freak." Mattheo snapped, he seemed to not want to talk about it and was taking any for of anger out on Alex.

"You know what Mattheo, you are a fucking asshole. you are so bloody annoying! You think you're just better than anyone!" Alex yelled, well standing up. "You're not better! For once I want you to listen to me!

"Shut up Alex, shut the fuck up." Mattheo said his voice oddly calm. This caught Alex off guard. "I don't want to hear your bitching, especially after hearing Regan bitch about what happened. I'm not doing this tonight. If you really need to do this, do it tomorrow." Though Mattheo's voice was calm it was clear he was having a hard time not losing that temper of his.


"Shut up!" Mattheo hissed before walking over to the bathroom, Alex watched as Mattheo slammed the door a bit and lock it

Alex stood there for a minute blinking. Alex let out a long sigh as he heard Mattheo turn the shower on. Alex was shaking a bit he looked up at the marron ceiling and the black Walnut trim, taking a long deep breath to compose himself. He felt his eyes water. Alex fell overwhelmed, he still really cared about Mattheo and didn't like to hear that Regan had been bitchy about him not knowing Alex was in the dorm. It wasn't necessarily Mattheo's fault in the first place, but what hurt Alex the most, was Mattheo comparing him to her. Alex thought for a moment, Mattheo wasn't wrong. I really fuck up this time. Alex thought well rubbing his temples. Alex decided to leave the dorm room for a bit and let Mattheo cool down, so he picked his book up and quietly headed out, Alex went down to the common room to read instead. He didn't just that for a bit before Blaise went and sat beside him and got into a conversation with Alex.

"I hope you know Pansy is pissed off at you." Blaise stated bluntly his voice low as if not wanting to be heard.

"Why?" Alex asked not knowing what he could have done to make Pansy made, he hadn't really talked to her much that day .Yesterday they were just fine as well.

Blaise looked a bit to make sure no one was in ears range. "Regan said you watched Mattheo and her." He responded glazing into Alex's eyes.

"What the hell! They stumbled in the dorm well i was studying, i screamed right away!" Alex responded in the harsh whisper.

"Thought so, the other boys and I didn't think you would." Blaise stated calmly still in a low whisper. He also referred to Draco and Theodore, as the Boys.

"But Pansy did?" Alex asked, the thought of Pansy believing that stung.

"Yeah and all the Slytherin girls, they think your creepy. It's going to go around."

"The hell. Well you know bloody well I don't care if girls like me or not, but this is so stupid! Regan is lying, and people are believing her." Alex responded, he was shaking a bit. He knew this would become very messy, very fast.

"Yeah, Theodore is planning to ask Mattheo about that and see if he could talk to her." Blaise informed him. Alex looked away, Blaise could see the fear in his eyes and just how worried Alex was getting. "You want to head up to my dorm? Calm down a bit?" Blaise asked gently and Alex nodded. As they got to the dorm Alex noticed a pissed of Draco, Draco turned and just walked to Alex giving him a quick hug, which wasn't something Draco does.

"You look like you are about to cry." Draco whispered which made Alex smiled a bit.

"Thanks?" Alex chuckled slightly.


Mattheo was done with everyone that night, he didn't want to be harsh with Alex, he knew he had a right to be upset, Mattheo felt bad for being harsh to Alex, and knew it probably made Alex dislike him even more, if he didn't already hate Mattheo. Mattheo was running himself a warm shower in the hopes to calm down and be able to listen to Alex. He took a deep breath as the water ran down his body. Mattheo closed his eyes just enjoying the warmth which calmed him down.

After Mattheo's had finished, he had the towel around his waist as went to change, he noticed that Alex wasn't in the dorm. It worried him a bit. Alex is probably off reading to calm down or something, he'll be back. Mattheo reassured himself. Mattheo got into some clothes to sleep in, and got ready for bed before grabbing a textbook, for his a poor attempt to study till Alex came back. As the night got late Alex didn't come back though, which wasn't something that he did often. Mattheo continues to wait but falls asleep waiting.

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