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I'm sad about 30% of the time, if I'm not sad then I'm depressed 60% of the time and genuinely happy about 10% of the time, welcome to my life.
I'm sitting alone in the train on the way to Hogwarts, it's so peaceful yet anxious. Hogwarts is always the worst part of my year, I was blessed with good parents and family but that just makes it harder to leave when I comes fall.

Just as I almost forgot about how much this time of years kills me when I hear my "friends" coming, shit.

The first one to sit down is Holly Blum, a girl I've known since 1st year. I wish I could say that she really isn't bad and I just overreact but when I say she's the worst person I've ever met, I mean it.

One time in second year she sold a blind girl a headless bird just because she needed money to buy beer, so I'm not overreacting when I say that.

The next person to show up is Teddy (ted) Calver, who's a sexist, narcissistic, asshole who goes out of his way to make people uncomfortable and unwelcome. cool when he smokes I guess.

Next is Lola sanders, she's actually my favorite person in general, I think. If it was just me and her we'd probably not have a whole fucked up friend group and just hang out with each other, but she's dating Ethan and Ethan's friends with Ted, holly, and Oliver, so she won't agree to ditching them all.

I've kind of already introduced Ethan but like i said he's dating Lola, which makes me want to throw up considering he treats her like she's the most high maintenance girl in the world, she really isn't. If I had a boyfriend, which is highly unlikely and 100% will never happen, I'd make him treat me like I hold the earth in my hands. Again, very unlikely.

The last one is Oliver Raf, he's fine just a bit dull and quiet, There's nothing wrong with that.

"Hey bitch, why do you look so fuckin lonely? Lol) holly says interrupting my peace and quiet. One annoying thing to add of the list of annoying things about holly is that she talks like she texts. And she cusses way too much for a normal person to cuss.

"Yeah you look like someone just punched your grandma in the face." Ted snorts like he just said comedy gold.

I take my earbud out of my ear, no point of these anymore, everyone except Oliver is way too loud and would just drowned out my music.

"Good to see you guys again" I smile very sarcastically and look at Lola hoping she catches the sarcasm.

When I look at her she's practically eating Ethan's face off and not acknowledging my existence in the slightest, whatever.

"So do you have a boyfriend yet? I feel like you've been single since the stone ages, it's concerning." Ted says taking a fat bite out of a granola bar, chewing loudly and he eats.

"Ted, if every guy acted as you do, I'd be a lesbian." I say, I mean it too. I literally cannot stand Teddy Calver.

"Whatever, we're here." Holly says rolling her eyes.

That was the worst 10 minutes I've had all summer. Lola's usually there to say me from holly and Ted but her and Ethan were swapping spit the entire time so I'm actually not sure how their still alive considering they haven't come up for air yet. And like I said, Oliver never talks.

This is going to be a long ass year.

~Since mattheo showed up~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora