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1 week later...

Chloe Pov

As I was folding Adeya's clothes I heard my mother yell.

"Chloe Elizabeth Bailey! Get your ass down here right now!" My mother screamed.

I'm in trouble.

What did I even do?

I huffed and put down the clothes I was folding and made my way downstairs.

"Yes mom?" I said seeing her in the kitchen with a pissed look on her face.

"Have you been going to see Kehlani?" My body completely froze and I widened my eyes.

"I-uh what no?" I lied but I knew my mom could see right through me.

"Chloe I'm not in the mood to be lied to... have you been going to her damn house!" My mother asked.

Lie or tell the truth?

"I- no mom!" I lied again.

"Halle come downstairs please!" I furrowed my eyebrows and I heard Halle's feet coming down the stairs.

"Yes mom?" Halle said standing on the last step of the staircase.

"Has Chloe been going to Kehlani's house and don't you dare lie for her." My mother said. I looked at Halle waiting for her answer.

She looked at me briefly before looking at mom. "Yes mom....she has" Halle said and I felt a pang in my heart.

So much for re-building our bond.

I huffed and slowly looked at my mom and seen her fuming with anger. "Really Chloe?! The fuck you doing at her house after she put her hands on you??!! Are yall having sex?!" My mother yelled.

"Mom no-"

"Bullshit! Chloe we trusted you to stay away from her! We told you to stay away from her!" My mother screamed and I looked down at my feet fiddling with my fingers.

To much yelling.

"Mom I think you should stop yell-"

"No! She's wants to do what she wants then she can simply get out of my house!" She yelled and I felt my finger tingle slightly.

"Wait mom no I don't think that's necessary" Halle tried to say. She's literally the reason our mother is yelling at me like this.

Chloe she's pushing it.

I know just stay calm ok?

I'll try but she says anything else out of line I'm getting in control.

"Mom please just listen to me-"

"Aht aht I've listened to you enough Chloe! You wanna be at Kehlani's house then go live with her. I'm done!" My mother screamed and I flinched at the sound of her voice.

Don't Switch

Don't Switch

Don't Switch

Don't Switch

"Switch Chloe I dare you because we both know what's gonna happen in here if you do" my mother challenged and I looked at her sideways. Did she forget that Elizabeth is crazy?

Please let me have her Chloe!

No it's fine I'll just leave.

"Fine then I'll leave" I said and walked upstairs quickly. I heard feet behind me and I knew it was Halle.

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