Chapter 3

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"Hey there, girl," you cooed softly, your hand stroking the muzzle of your chestnut-colored horse gently. Large brown eyes blinked back at you as she nuzzled herself into your hand, and you couldn't help but smile as you brought the brush up to comb through her fur. She let out a soft snort of approval at the sensation, causing you to let out a small giggle. "What do you say we go for a ride this weekend out in the field, huh? You and me and nothing but a wide-open space to run through."

She let out a small sigh in return, and you chuckled as you continued to work the brush over her shoulder, slowly moving it towards her flank. This was one of your favorite parts of the day, brushing and bonding with the animals who helped your heart feel whole again. Owning horses had always been a dream for you as long as you could remember. You were that child who used to ask Santa to bring you a pony every year, only to receive small plastic versions instead. Despite your disappointment, it only made sense. You mostly grew up in the suburbs; there was no way in hell you'd be able to keep a pony in your backyard.

When your pleading reached a fever peak at just ten, your parents had signed you up for riding lessons as a compromise. You had fallen in love with it as soon as you started, quickly picking up on it. You attended your weekly lessons and begged your parents to take you to the ranch in your free time between them. It was your favorite thing in the world; you never felt more free than you did on the back of a horse.

You spent your high school years showing and competing until eventually, your hobby became too much to keep up with. Balancing study, work, and wanting to spend time with Luke took priority, leading you to give up competitions. However, you never abandoned riding completely. Once or twice a week, Luke would take you to dinner before you headed out to the ranch. Riding the same two horses every time, you explored the trails together until you practically had them memorized.

Everything changed after Luke died, much like everything else in your life. You stopped riding for months, unable to bring yourself even to visit the ranch. Only after you received his life insurance check and sold your old house did you start showing an interest in it again. Both provided more than enough money to cover his funeral and the purchase of your little farm. Once you moved in and got settled, you finally decided to visit the horses.

You took yourself to the diner where Luke took you every date night, ignoring the sad stares people gave you as you ate your meal alone. After finishing, you headed out, smiling as you pulled into the parking lot.

"Well, no shit," Abigail, one of the instructors, called out as you got out of your jeep. You'd taken lessons from her since you were a child; she was basically family by that point. "It's been so damn long since we've seen you. I thought maybe you forgot all about us!" She walked over towards the car, her eyes soft as she examined you before opening her arms and giving you a tight hug.

"I was so sorry to hear about Luke," she whispered gently, your eyes starting to water slightly at his name. Would there ever come a day where you could hear it and not cry? "If there is anything we can do to help, please just tell us."

You sniffled, separating from her embrace before wiping away a stray tear. Taking a breath, an idea suddenly popped into your mind. Your eyes drifted towards the stables, nibbling your lip before you let out a sigh.

"Actually, there is something I wanted to ask..."

A soft nudge to your shoulder brought your attention back to the present, and you chuckled as you reached back to pat the jet-black muzzle of the horse behind you. You smiled as your fingers ran through the soft fur, his nose nudging you gently.

"Such a jealous boy, ain't ya?" You giggled at him, shaking your head slightly. It honestly surprised you how quickly he had warmed up to you after Abigail agreed to sell them both to you that day. Out of everyone who'd ever ridden him, oddly enough, Luke seemed to have been his favorite.

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