Losing my Cool

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The week flew by and now it's Friday. With my exceptional behavior, Dad let me off the hook and I am no longer grounded! Just in time for the weekend! When I get to the school I park beside Edward's Volvo and Rosalie's red BMW. I hop out and walk over to talk to Emmett. I get a hug from Alice and a smile and wave from Rosalie. Emmett bro hugs me. Jasper kindly waves. Edward glares at me. I ignore him. "Dude I am officially a free woman! I'm not grounded anymore! I can play video games with you today after school. If you're up for it? It can be at my place or yours. Whatever you'd prefer." I say but secretly wish I could go to their place and hang out with all of them. Especially Rosalie. And even... nope. Not Mr. Broody pants. He just scowled at me. Like what is his deal? Can he hear what I'm thinking? That's crazy. "That's awesome! I'm gonna so kick your ass at call of duty! Why don't you come to our house and my mom can make us some cookies! "That sounds delicious man! But I don't want to be any trouble for her." I say. "No trouble at all! She makes cookies all the time." Alice and Rosalie both chime in. "Ok cool yea I'll come over. Just don't drive like a speed demon after school so I can follow you to your house Rosalie please?" I ask her. "What? Afraid you can't keep up?" She smirks at me. "Oh I can keep up, I'd just rather not get a speeding ticket right after I'm ungrounded." I laugh. She laughs too. It's the most beautiful sound and sight I've ever heard or seen. I restrain myself from falling to my knees in awe. "The bells about to ring guys! We better get to class!" Alice says right about the time it actually rings. "How does she do that?" I chuckle and shake my head. Everyone sort of chuckles nervously. "Let's get to class dude." Emmett says and slings his arm on my shoulder. I catch Rosalie scowling at Emmett. Wonder why? All morning I do my best to pay attention to my teachers but it's hard. My mind keeps wondering. Are the Cullens the Cold Ones like the stories? Does it matter to me though if they are? They are the Cullen's. They drink animal blood in the stories not human blood. Would Rosalie consider going out with a human? Because I can't stop thinking about her. "Ms. Swan, what's the answer to question 10?" The teacher asks me. I look at Emmett and he's smirking at me. So helpful man. "I'm not sure sir." I manage to squeak out. Emmett covers his mouth laughing. "What's so funny Mr. Cullen? Do you know the answer?" "Ugh 8?" Emmett guesses. "Good grief boy! Why do I even bother trying to teach?!" He walks away rubbing his face in frustration. Emmett and I both look at each other laughing as quietly as we can. Then thankfully the bell rings. That's how the day went until lunchtime came around. Even then I was lost in my head. Rosalie asked "Are you ok Rowan? Is something wrong?" "No I'm fine just have a lot on my mind. Why?" I answer. "Because you're eating with this spaced out look on your face. It's like watching a zombie." She says. "Sorry. I-" I get cut off by Edward hissing out in a loud whisper "She knows what we are! She keeps thinking about us drinking from animals! I knew we should have stayed away from her!" I get this feeling of pure rage. I start shaking uncontrollably. Why does he have to be such a dick?! And how the hell does he know what I'm thinking? "A mind reader?! What the Hell?!" Emmett scoops me up and barrels out the cafeteria as quick as he humanly can. Once he's in the woods he takes off faster than humanly possible that's for sure. After a while he puts me down. I can't stop shaking though. All of a sudden my bones begin to pop and when I turn to look at Emmett I realize I'm eye level. What? I normally have to look up at him a bit?! I look down and I have furry feet?! "What the hell?!" I say but it just comes out in a dog yowling sound. Hello?! What's your name? Where are you? You will be alright. I'll explain once I get to you. What the hell was that?! Now I have a voice in my head?! "Dude calm down. You were raised on the reservation right? I'm sure you've heard at some point that the Quileute tribe was descended by wolves? It's true. You are a wolf shifter." Emmett tells me. "Oh God is she ok?! Rowan are you ok? Are you in any pain from the shift?" Rosalie speeds right up to me looking me over. I stare into her eyes and I feel so light. Like I could be anything. Do anything. As long as it was for her I could do it. She looks so concerned and I had no idea how to let her know I was ok so I lick her face as an ok. She didn't appreciate it. "Ew gross Rowan!" She wipes off my slobber. All of a sudden  Emmett and Rosalie stand defensively in front of me growling. A man walks up to us wearing nothing but cut off shorts. I realize as he comes closer it's Sam. And Jared. I can't help but growl at Jared. Sam looks at me then at Jared. He tells Jared to walk away. Jared starts to protest but Sam says "Now" in a final tone. Jared walks away and I stop growling. But Emmett and Rosalie are still standing defensively in front of me. They at least have stopped growling. "I realize that this is your territory but Rowan is apart of the Quileute tribe and it's my responsibility to inform her of things and take her to the elders. Please allow me to guide her to La push and to our reservation where we will explain everything to her." Sam says. "You harm her in anyway you will have our coven to deal with! She is my mate!" Rosalie shouts. "I understand. You're her imprint as well. Right as I was shifting back I saw her thoughts of you. I promise to return her to Forks by tomorrow morning but there's a lot to discuss." Sam says. "What's an imprint?" Emmett asks. Rosalie nods as do I. "An imprint is like a mate in a way only much more. It's like gravity. She'll be whatever you need her to be. A protector. A friend. A lover." "And I can't come along with her?" Rosalie asks. "You can come to the border and I'll check with the elders to see what they decide. If it was up to me I'd say yes. But I have to check with the chieftain which is Billy Black and the other elders." Sam replies. "Let's go. Emmett go tell the others what is going on. I'll be ok." Rose says. I yip and nudge Emmett and nod then brush against Rosalie. "Ok you watch over my new sister." He speeds off to let the others know what is up and we make our way to the border.

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