Lots of Explaining

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Once we get to the border Sam looks expectingly at me to follow him. I lick Rosalie and make my way over. "I'll send someone to get you once I get the ok from the elders. If I don't get an ok then we'll let you know." Sam says and Rosalie nods. We run our way through the woods until Sam stops and looks at me. "This is where you'll learn to switch back to being you again. Just vision yourself as you. Human. Just so you know you'll be naked." He says and turns around and pulls a t-shirt and shorts out of a hole in a tree. He still stands there looking away. "Have you changed back yet?" Sam asks. I concentrate on being human again and realize I have hands again. "Yea I'm human now." I grab the clothes he has and put them on. Then tap him on the shoulder. "I'm decent." I say and he nods. "Let's go talk to the elders and your Uncle Billy." We go to Uncle Billy's house and outside his home stand the elders, Harry Clearwater being one, and Uncle Billy is there too. "Welcome to the pack Rowan." Uncle Billy says. "So can Rosalie come too? My imprint?" I say. "One of the Cullens is her imprint and she is waiting by the border hoping you'll let her join us." Sam explains. The elders and Uncle Billy talk and argue until Uncle Billy says, "Enough. I'm chieftain and she is her imprint. When it comes to imprints the law is absolute. She may come...But she must be with accompanied by a pack member, such as my niece, at all times when coming to our lands." "I'll have Jared accompany her here." Sam says and goes in the woods to relay the message to him via wolf telepathy. At least that's what Uncle Billy just explained to me anyways. That's why I heard a voice in my head. Huh. It's not long when Sam returns. "They're on their way." While we wait everyone explains why I turned into a wolf. To protect our people from vampires. The Cullens being exempt as long as they don't bite a human. They explained the treaty my great great grandfather, Ephraim Black, made the treaty with the Cullens. Jared shows up with Rosalie walking beside him. Rosalie walks right up to me and hugs me tight. It feels like we were apart forever. I do notice I was the same height as her before I shifted but now I'm a couple inches taller. I kiss her forehead and hold her hand. A throat was cleared and I look up to Uncle Billy politely smiling at Rosalie. "Welcome to La Push Ms. Cullen. We were just explaining the treaty to Rowan." "I go by Rosalie Hale actually. Thank you for allowing me to come." Rosalie says. "Does Dad know about all this?" I ask. "No he doesn't. I'll have to talk with him. Normally the less people know the better but this is something you won't be able to hide from him. It's your duty to take turns patrolling different times throughout the day and night. And your appetite will be huge. He's going to notice how much more you eat. And your temperature if you haven't noticed is sky high at 108 Fahrenheit. If he touches you he's going to worry. I'll have a talk with him." Uncle Billy says. I nod and thank him. We talk a bit more about the ins and outs of being a werewolf according to them...though Emmett called me a shifter not a werewolf? Anyways, I have to get a tattoo to represent the pack. Thankfully my hairs short enough I don't have to cut it. And because I'm the great great granddaughter of Ephraim Black it is my right to become the Alpha of the pack. Sam graciously offered to me the position. I thanked him but declined. I know little about all this where he has more experience. Not to mention I just want to spend any spare time I have with my imprint. Being Alpha would mean more responsibility that I just don't want right now. Apparently I need to be off school for a few weeks until I get my anger and phasing under control too. All of a sudden a phone starts ringing. It sounds like my phone but I lost all my clothes when I phased? Rosalie pulls out my phone from her pocket and hands it to me. "I picked it up right after you phased." She says. "Thanks Rosalie. I better answer this. Hello? Dad? Calm down. Something big came up and I couldn't finish school. I didn't just skip out. Uncle Billy will explain. I'm with him now. Here I'll let you talk to him." I hand the phone to Uncle Billy. He asks Dad to come to talk to him in person. He says bye and hangs up and hands me my phone. I put it in my pocket. "Uncle Billy is that all? My imprint and I have a lot to talk about and I need to get my car from school." I ask. "Yes that's all. You have training with Sam tomorrow bright and early at 7am so don't sleep in like I know you tend to do." He winks at me. I laugh and say ok and thank everyone for explaining things. Rosalie and I walk through the woods hand in hand to the school to get my car. She gave Emmett her keys so I'm going to give her a ride home. We get in my car when we get to the school. Thankfully Emmett texted me that he put my wallet and keys that he salvaged from my torn clothes in my glove box. My stomach started growling just as Rosalie started to say something. "What Rosalie?" I ask. "Let's get you fed yea? Where would you like to eat?" She asks me. "How about we pick up a pizza and eat at my place? We can talk there since Dads going to be at Uncle Billy's." I say. She calls and orders a large Meat lover's pizza and a 2 liter of Mountain Dew. I drive to the pizza shop and start to get out but Rosalie beats me saying she's got it and goes inside. She comes out with the pizza and soda and I drive us to my house. I get two plates and two cups. Rosalie shakes her head smiling. "Thank you but vampires don't eat. We only consume blood." She explains. "Ok that explains a lot actually. Oh well more for me then." We sit at the table and I chow down asking her to tell me about vampires while I eat. She explains that aside from not eating, they can't be out in the sun. They drawl too much attention to themselves. And the reason they have golden eyes instead of red eyes is because they drink from animals. Red eyes means the vampire drinks from humans. Vampires have inhuman strength, enhanced sight and hearing, and are very fast. She explained the laws of vampires and why she couldn't tell me about her and her family and that I'm her mate. She explained that I'm her mate, like a soulmate. I was finished with my supper, which I ate the whole pizza by myself. I threw the box away and put the Mountain Dew away and pulled Rosalie to her feet to take her to my room where we could relax and talk. We sat on my bed. I gathered up my courage and said "So if I'm your mate and you're my imprint...Would you like to be my girlfriend?"

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