A. Worries ☆❀

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note: A one piece, zosan one shot!
The way I started writing this Zosan fic last month and never completed it?? This was actually my first zosan fic start, which was on February 9... I still can't believe I just left this idea

he knew that choosing the path of the pirate ways would be dangerous. though, even since he was little he had already faced many dangers, under red leg zeff. nowadays, dangers weren't so much ‘dangerous’ for him, considering his monstrous strength. he doesnt regret a single thing, agreeing to join the straw hats. he has fun, cooking for them and then hearing their satisfied and content noises from eating the meals he puts all his love into (“mainly Nami, Luffy and Zoro eat messily and crazily,” he says.) but sometimes, he wonders what'd happen if he hadn't agreed to become a pirate for the straw hats? that was his late-night pre-sleep ponderings. sanji stares at Zoro beside him, all his scars gleaming under the moonlight that seeped through the window. that was a thought that scared him. A thought that scared him even more than when he thinks about Zoro dying from one of his sword fights. Sanji has many what-ifs and he doesn't like them. It was currently keeping him from sleeping, Sanji was itching for a cigarette to steer his thoughts away but that'd only make him not be able to sleep even more. He settled on taking the opportunity to try and fix his mind onto the male next to him, slightly lowly snoring. 

//03/19/2024 continuation
His eyes traced the lines of Zoro’s face; the tall nose, arched eyebrows, lost-eye scar, curvature of the lips. He heard the soft jingling of his earrings as the male turned his head. Zoro, as if he read Sanji’s mind in his sleep, turned to face Sanji. The blond blushed slightly, looking away feeling a little embarrassed for staring, even if he knew Zoro wasn’t conscious right now. But, he also knows that Zoro has sharp senses and he never truly falls asleep. Always kept his guard up, never faltering– Sanji has known Zoro long enough to understand that. In a way, he thinks that's sad. Sanji thought about how it was sad that Zoro could never have the comfort and leisure to have his guard down to be vulnerable in his sleep. He was so accustomed to the pirate life. Wait, Sanji thinks. If he does that, then how does he still sleep through everything from crew members' loud chatter to a couple of parties we had? You…
Or maybe, he does truly fall asleep and he merely senses the danger when it comes? if so, that’d explain all of that, and it’s just impressive too.

Sanji sighs and smiles softly, caressing Zoro’s face and cupping it in his hands. Zoro subconsciously leaned into it as he slept, to which Sanji’s heart fluttered. Sanji released his contact from Zoro and the warmth lingered like a phantom for a bit.

Sanji recalls the extreme worries he felt when he woke up to see Luffy extremely cheerful and bright even if he took all those hits, and then saw Zoro in the middle of bloodied rocks, standing normally yet all bloodied and shirt ripped up as he merely said, Nothing happened. Sanji’s eyes widened and he nearly sank. His heart fell and he then felt infuriated and extremely worried. He clicked the pieces together and the thoughts flew to him again, Dumb Marimo, always sacrificing himself and then beating himself up for losses. 

Once Zoro woke up from that, Sanji told him to please be more mindful, it wasn’t good for his heart. Sanji masked all those feelings from the crew to make sure nobody worried about that.

Sanji wondered what the crew would be like without Zoro. He wouldn’t have the strong arms to return to again, and the reliability of Zoro. He was strong so there’d be one more less protector of the crew.

No, he shook off those thoughts again and recalled soft happy memories. Many happy ones were made too, yet how come negative thoughts affect minds more? You’d remember bad ones more than the better where that’d then affect your day.

Sanji closed his eyes and drifted back to sleep, the sight of green hair blurry as he shut his eyes.

His dreams were then filled with the familiar green head, making him smile softly as dream-Zoro gave feathery touches, Sanji eating up his love.

miscellaneous.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora