Chapter 20 The Second Spouse (18+)

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Upon returning to the cozy confines of their house, Samaya's senses were still tingling from the wintry adventure they had just embarked on. The chill of the snowy landscape lingered on her frostbitten feet, sending shivers up her spine despite the comforting warmth of the hearth. Yet, even in her discomfort, she couldn't help but appreciate the beauty of the moment—the soft glow of firelight casting flickering shadows on the walls, the gentle crackle of burning logs, and the soothing ambiance of their humble abode.

Hyo's keen eyes didn't miss a beat as he observed Samaya's discomfort. “Are you alright? You seem chilled to the bone,” he asked, his voice laced with sincerity. Samaya, unable to comprehend his words due to the language barrier, simply nodded, offering a faint smile in response. Furrowing his brow in concern, Hyo gently reached out to touch her cheek. “You're freezing,” he remarked softly, his fingers brushing against her skin with a featherlight touch. “Let me help warm you up.” Samaya, though uncertain of his intentions, found herself unable to resist Hyo's genuine offer. And with a gesture that conveyed both warmth and care, he transformed back into his snow leopard appearance, the thick fur of his coat serving as a natural source of warmth. Samaya, touched by his unspoken gesture of care, gratefully pressed her cold feet against the leopard's belly, feeling the comforting heat seep into her chilled bones.

However, despite the warmth of the leopard's fur, Samaya still found herself shivering from the lingering cold of their snowy escapade. Sensing her discomfort, Hyo shifted back into his human form, his eyes filled with concern as he wrapped her in his arms. At first, Samaya instinctively attempted to pull away, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment at the sudden closeness between them. But Hyo held her hands firmly, his touch reassuring and steadfast as he drew her closer to his chest. With a gentle yet probing question, Hyo pierced through the silence that enveloped them. “Is it me you dislike, or the touch?” he inquired, his voice soft but filled with curiosity as he locked eyes with Samaya, awaiting her response. Samaya, taken aback by the unexpected closeness and the intensity of Hyo's gaze, felt her heart skip a beat. However, the genuine concern shining in his eyes reassured her, melting away any lingering doubts. Surrendering to the moment, she allowed herself to be enveloped in the shared warmth, a sense of comfort washing over her.

As they sat together, Samaya occasionally stole glances at Hyo, her curiosity piqued by his presence. Meanwhile, Hyo observed her discreetly from the corner of his eye, his own interest in her movements evident in the subtle shifts of his expression. He smirked inwardly, amused by Samaya's playful glances that she seemed to think went unnoticed. Her teasing antics had a way of driving him wild, igniting a fire within him that he struggled to contain. “Constantly stealing glances at me as if I wouldn't notice, teasing me with your presence, only to retreat time and time again. You have no idea how maddeningly irresistible you are,” he mused silently.
The warmth of the crackling fire, the flickering firelight, and the dance of the flames created an atmosphere charged with tenderness.

Hyo, overcome by a surge of emotion, turned his head to meet her gaze directly. Samaya's cheeks flushed with a rosy hue as she felt the weight of his gaze upon her. In a bold and unexpected move, Hyo leaned down, his lips meeting hers in a deep and passionate kiss. As the tender kiss deepened, Hyo felt a surge of desire, and he gently guided Samaya down onto the soft animal skin beneath her. The flickering firelight cast dancing shadows across the walls, painting the room in a warm and intimate glow. Lost in the heat of the moment, Samaya's senses were overwhelmed by a whirlwind of emotions, her thoughts consumed by the intoxicating sensation of Hyo's lips against hers. And in a sudden epiphany, the truth struck her like a bolt of lightning as she realized, “He never truly cared about the deal in the first place!”

Lost in the intensity of the moment, Samaya forgot about her surroundings, feeling the warmth of his breath brushing against her skin. With each gentle stroke of his hand through her hair, a sense of calm washed over her, despite the racing of her heart. Their eyes locked with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine as he continued to run his fingers through her hair. Suddenly, he declared with a commanding tone, his voice low and husky, “I can't restrain myself any longer. Today, I will claim you as my female.”

As he forcefully spread her legs with one hand, he marveled at the sight before him, her skin glowing in the dim light of the room. With gentle precision, Hyo firmly pinned down Samaya's hands with the other. His warm breath tickled her ear as he whispered softly, “I'm at your command. If you wish to stop, just push me away. But I sense your desire for more.”

Her teary eyes reflected a longing beyond comprehension; she yearned to extend this intoxicating sensation indefinitely. Lowering his gaze to her, he couldn't resist a chuckle before something warm glided between her legs, slowly pushing inside her most intimate part. A sweet moan escaped her lips, urging him to delve even deeper. The overwhelming pleasure sent tremors of excitement coursing through him, and despite his attempts to restrain himself, his movements quickened in pace. Unable to support herself, Samaya surrendered to his firm grasp, yet the intensity only heightened. Every touch, every caress, fueled their fervor, drawing them ever closer to the brink of ecstasy. Overwhelmed, she couldn't help but release sweeter, louder moans, her ecstasy echoing through the stillness of the dawn. As the hours wore on and the first tendrils of dawn painted the sky in hues of pink and gold, Samaya found herself teetering on the brink of exhaustion. Her limbs trembled with exertion, her body awash with the sweet ache of satiation. With a final, shuddering breath, she collapsed into the embrace of sleep, her dreams haunted by the lingering echoes of their shared passion.

Feeling the first light of dawn filtering through the window, Hyo stepped out into the crisp morning air, the snow crunched softly beneath his feet as he ventured into the pristine landscape. With deft movements, he scooped up handfuls of fresh snow, each flake sparkling like a diamond in the early light, and carried it back to the warmth of their humble abode. Melting the snow over the crackling fire, Hyo approached Samaya's peaceful form with a reverence that spoke volumes, his movements infused with a sense of care and devotion. As he cleansed Samaya's sweaty body, the contrast between the warmth of the water and the coolness of the snow served as a soothing balm to her slumbering form. In the tranquil moments of the morning, as he attentively tended to her, Hyo's gaze lingered over Samaya's body. His fingers delicately traced the lines of her skin, searching his animal tattoo. And there, nestled beside Leviathan's serpent emblem, he found his own mark. A swell of pride surged within him, a subtle smile gracing Hyo's lips as he noticed his tattoo adorned a place adjacent to Leviathan's.

Anticipating the return of Leviathan, Hyo braced himself for the inevitable fierce fight over authority within the family. Despite the impending confrontation, he welcomed the challenge, a wicked grin spreading across his face as he contemplated the fierce battle to come.

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