Chapter 5 Rescue The Female

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The bear, having narrowly escaped the clutches of the snake and transformed into a man with three mesmerizing grey flame-like facial markings, urgently rushed into a nearby city. Fear and horror were still etched on his face as he navigated through the bustling streets, making his way to a massive stone castle. Determined to report the alarming incident, he weaved through the castle's corridors until he stood in a grand room. There, a man with short yellow hair and four vivid yellow thunder facial markings sat on a throne, his gaze fixed upon the newcomer.

Addressing the yellow-haired man, the transformed bear spoke urgently, "King, I witnessed a formidable beast abducting a female." The king furrowed his brows, concern evident on his face, and inquired about the strength of the beast.

The bear-man recounted the harrowing encounter, vividly describing the immense strength that sent shivers down his spine. "He was so powerful that the moment I laid eyes on him, my hair stood on end, and I fled for my life."

Taking the report seriously, the king turned his gaze sideways and issued a command to the other beastmen in the room. "What are you waiting for? Go, save the female," he ordered, a sense of urgency in his voice. The beastmen, responding swiftly to their king's directive, left the room, ready to confront the formidable threat and rescue the abducted female.

As the bear-man caught his breath, he observed the determined response of the king and his fellow beastmen. The fate of the abducted female hung in the balance, and the castle buzzed with heightened activity as preparations for the rescue mission unfolded.

In the grand room, the king contemplated the gravity of the situation. His decision to intervene showcased the intricate dynamics of the beast world, where beastmen with extraordinary abilities coexisted, ever-ready to protect their own from external threats.

As the rescue party gathered, the tension in the castle was palpable. The bear-man, having fulfilled his duty to report the incident, awaited news of the unfolding rescue mission, unsure of the twists and turns that awaited both in the village and within the stone walls of the imposing castle.

Meanwhile, as Samaya sat inside the cave, enjoying the assortment of nuts that Leviathan had thoughtfully brought her, thoughts of a new home and the necessities of life occupied her mind. At 27 years old, she felt a growing desire to establish a more settled existence. Pondering over her plans, she decided to express her wishes to Leviathan.

Attempting to convey her thoughts, she gestured and spoke with as much clarity as she could muster. Leviathan, though initially furrowing his brows in confusion, observed Samaya's determination. Undeterred, she made another attempt to articulate her desires. The language barrier posed a challenge, but her persistence prevailed.

Leviathan, a beast with a unique understanding of the world, sensed the underlying meaning behind her gestures. Aware that complications might arise, he hesitated, reluctant to leave the cave. Samaya, undeterred by the initial uncertainty, made a series of cute attempts to make him understand, using a mix of gestures and expressions.

A slight smile played on Leviathan's lips as he observed Samaya's persistence. Taking a deep breath, he recognized her earnest intentions. Understanding the importance of her wishes, he finally agreed. The unspoken bond between them grew stronger as they embarked on a journey beyond the cave, navigating the complexities of communication and the challenges of building a new life together.

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