Chapter 3 The Male Inside The Cave

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The girl's eyes slowly opened after a restful slumber, and to her surprise, she found herself inside a cave near the lake. The flickering glow of a fire danced across the rocky walls, casting a warm and comforting light. As she realized she was lying on a soft animal skin, coziness embraced her, dispelling lingering confusion. A sudden realization dawned upon her - she was still unclothed. "How did I forget that? I need to find clothes." Reflecting on recent events, she scanned her surroundings. The crackling fire sent rhythmic waves of warmth through the chamber, and as she sat up, a mix of confusion and relief washed over her.

Her gaze wandered around the cave, and she found herself locking eyes with a muscular male, seated across the fire. His waist-length white hair glittered in the firelight, and his face held a calm expression. In front of him lay a simple yet inviting spread of fruits and a wooden bowl filled with clear water. "Good morning," he greeted, a subtle smile playing on his lips. "You had quite the adventure in dreamland. Thought you might be hungry when you woke up. I don't know if you're a carnivore or herbivore female, so I'll go hunting later."
The girl, unable to decipher his words, managed a hesitant smile. "You saved me, didn't you? Thank you so much, but I can't understand what you're saying."

He chuckled softly, examining her from head to toe. "Since you don't have animal tattoos on your body and you're not comprehending my words, it appears you lack a male beast protecting you. That's good; this way, I don't need to worry that someone is looking for you."
Still perplexed by his language, her gaze shifted towards the cave entrance. "I still need some clothes; could you please help me get some?" She pointed at the animal skirt adorning his hips and then gestured towards herself, hoping he would understand.

Observing her, he stood up and walked deeper into the cave. After a while, he returned with shimmering white silk and a bone needle, settling down behind her. Suddenly, she felt the soft touch of his arms on her skin. Before she could turn her head, he ceased, turned away, and began sewing. In a short span, he crafted a resplendent white dress, which he delicately handed to her. The girl, dazed and blushing, admired the dress. "It's so beautiful, thank you so much!"

Her eyes met his, and her face gradually assumed the color of a ripened tomato. As he observed her, his lips curled into a subtle smile. "It seems she is no longer afraid and might even be warming up to me; it should be easy to make her mine!" A shiver traversed her spine. He thought, "It's good that she liked it." He vividly remembered that when he touched her, she felt warm and soft - a sensation he relished.

Yet, something seemed amiss. "Can you craft me some underwear as well?" she inquired, gesturing with her fingers. Taking more silk, he set to work, and after a while, he presented her with neatly crafted panties. Grateful, she swiftly donned the attire. They shared a quiet moment by the fire, and she couldn't help but feel a connection with this mysterious male.

When the sky darkened, she nestled onto the soft animal hide near the fire, allowing the cave's warmth to cradle her into a peaceful slumber. The mysterious male, a silent guardian in the flickering shadows, kept vigilant watch over their surroundings. You could observe his skin scorched by the fire's warmth as he quietly stepped away from it. As she closed her eyes, she wondered how this unexpected encounter would shape the unfolding chapters of her story.

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