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I woke up to the sound of my alarm, blasting through my ear drums. Groaning, I sat up and removed my phone from underneath my pillow, turning off my alarms. I could hear my little nine year old sister, Ivy yapping her mouth off to Mom and Dad out in the hallway. A couple seconds later, I heard a knock on my door and she peeks her head in.

"Sagey! Aren't you so excited? We start at our new schools soon!" She says excitingly, jumping onto my bed. I chuckled at how much energy she has early in the morning, but she has always been like this. 

We were going to go shopping for clothes and school supplies today with Mom and looking at the clock, we were already behind. We recently moved to Manhattan a month ago and it has been hectic! There was so much to see and do, but Ivy and I couldn't go out by ourselves because Mom was paranoid that something would happen to us, especially me since I'm the first one to get brought up in their conversations. 

"Why are you still in your pajamas? Hurry and change!" I tell her, shooing her off of my bed. She giggles and runs out of my room. 

I go into my closet, picking out a pair of light washed mom jeans with a white cropped top. I felt like my fashion style for my age was a little too basic, I'm sixteen years old, but again, what we wear out in public has to get past my Father first. I looked at myself in my mirror, satisfied with my outfit and grabbed my navy blue high top converse; adding a little more color to my look. I then went into my bathroom and combed my long golden blonde hair. I haven't cut it in a long time, Mom and Dad have an emotional attachment to my hair, I think...

"There you are" Mom says, walking into my bathroom. She wore a short flowy beige dress with some Gucci flats. 

She then started to comb my hair up into a high ponytail and braided it into a fishtail, adding a navy bow as the finishing touch.

"Beautiful, as always" She tells me, holding my face in the mirror and kissed my cheek. 

When Mom and I went down the stairs, we saw Dad placing our breakfast onto the dining room table. Ivy was laying upside down on the couch, watching someone on her iPad. She's such an iPad kid, ever since she was a toddler, disgusting. 

"Mommy! Can we get a new scooter today?" Ivy asks from across the table. She stuffed a spoon full of eggs into her mouth, eagerly waiting for Mom to answer her. Mom and Dad look at each other, making our Dad smirk.

"No, we're shopping for clothes and school supplies today" Mom tells her sternly. 

Ivy pouts as she chews her food, staring up at Dad with puppy dog eyes. I rolled my eyes as I went back to eating my food. I felt Mom eyeing me down for some reason, but it was too early to even process anything that was going on. 

When we arrived at the first store, Mom had called before hand so we could shop in private. I watched as Ivy had absolutely no interest in looking for clothes and she was focused on the plushies they had at the front counter. Mom sighed, giving me a smile as she walked over to Ivy's sizes.

"You get whatever you want, babe" Mom yelled from the other side of the store. I nodded my head, giving her a soft smile while I looked through their tops.

I ended up with a large collection of different tops which I was happy with and they weren't all one color for once. While I was looking at the bottoms, I realized that I don't live in California anymore, so I would need to more pants than shorts and skirts. 

"What'd you find?" Mom asked approaching me. I held up the tops that I picked out and a worker came over to bring them all to the register so I could keep looking. 

Ivy was still focused on looking through the gigantic plushies and toys with the help of another worker. 

At this point, I felt like it didn't really matter what kind of bottoms I got because all of these could match almost anything, so Mom and I just started grabbing whatever they had in my size and brought it up to the counter. 

"Ivy, come on" Mom said, demanding she put down the five plushies she had in her arms. Ivy pouted and shook her head, making Mom sigh. She approached Ivy and whispered something into her ear which made Ivy drop four plushies and handed Mom just one. 

After leaving the store, I wasn't sure what I was going to need exactly for supplies as a freshman. Mom was telling me that I just needed the basics and if I needed anything else, we would buy it later on. Ivy on the other hand was so excited to look at all of the colored pencils and markers. Mom's been strict on what kind of markers get brought into the house because she once drew on all of the white couches. Apparently, I couldn't make fun of her because Dad told me I did the same thing when I was younger.

"Sage, look at my new colored pencils!" Ivy yells from the seat in front of me. She holds up a new package of twenty colored pencils. Mom ended up yelling at her to not open it until school started, causing Ivy to whine. I slouched in the very back seat, trying to stay away from her and her tantrums as I listened to music through my AirPods. 

When we arrived back home, Dad stared at all of the bags he brought into the house and stared at Mom, making her shrug her shoulders. I chuckled, grabbing the bags that had my clothes in them and went up to my room.

"Oo, can I see your clothes?" Ivy asks, running behind me.

"No" I say as I shut the door of my room. I heard her sigh from the other side as she stomped away. 

After getting my clothes all hung into my closet, I heard a knock on my door and Mom entered soon after. she smiled at me as she sat down on my bed. I had already changed into my pajamas because we were home, there was no point of dressing up still. 

"Hey, can I talk to you babe?" She asked in a gentle tone. Was I in trouble?

I sat down beside her, staring at my walls, trying to avoid looking into her bright blue eyes that were exactly like mine. I felt her gently put her hand under my chin, making me face her. She smoothed out my hair, staring at me and that made me even more nervous.

"Can we be a little nicer to your little sister? She was so upset that she couldn't follow you into your room. Ivy just wanted to see your clothes, you know she looks up to you" She tells me with a soft smile on her face. 

It's not that I was trying to be mean to Ivy on purpose, but she can get pretty annoying. I'm a teen now and she's still annoying little kid that gets her way at all times. 

"I am nice to her though" I tell her, leaning away from her. She puts a hand onto my leg, still staring me in the eyes. 

"I know baby, but we know how dramatic she is and she just adores you so much" She proceeds to say, making me more upset. 

The past couple years, I've been by Ivy's side, playing with her, making sure she felt included, and always comforting her when she was upset. Not to mention the times where Mom has made me feel like crap if I didn't do the smallest thing for her or thought I was being too rough on her because she was just a kid. I love Ivy with my whole heart, but I need my space. 

I just nodded my head, not knowing what to say. 

"I'll call you when dinners ready, baby" She tells me, giving me a kiss on the forehead as she walked out my room. 

I felt anger building up inside me. At this point, I didn't even want to see Ivy, knowing she's probably downstairs sucking it up to Mom and Dad. Not to mention, he was my Dad first, it was only him and I for the first six years of my life. I make sure I'm clear when I tell everyone that I'm his favorite. 


Hello everyone! 

Welcome backkkkkkkk, I'm so excited to go on this journey with you all over again, but this time with Ivy! I'm excited for what's coming up next, but of course I needed to start a little calm in the beginning. 

A little hint... Sage and Ivy's birthday is coming up.... :)

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