After a while, Minha proceeded to the counter to pay for their selections. They walked out with two bags brimming with delectable treats. Kazuha was beaming, the earlier embarrassment about the marks on her neck temporarily forgotten.

"Are you that happy? You've got two bags of pastries on your lap now," Minha teased as she maneuvered the car towards their next destination.

"These two bags will be gone in no time. I could eat bread every day~" Kazuha retorted, her smile widening as she took a deep inhale of the pastry-scented air filling the car. Minha could only shake her head in disbelief at her girlfriend's unending love for pastries.

Around 2pm, Minha and Kazuha returned home, their arms laden with two bags of pastries and a variety of ingredients for kimbab. "Relax and enjoy your pastries while I prepare the kimbab," Minha instructed Kazuha, shrugging off her jacket and draping it over the dining chair next to her girlfriend. It had been some time since she last made kimbab, but her mother's recipe was etched in her memory.

In a large bowl, Minha deftly mixed steamed rice with rice seasoning and roasted sesame seeds. She then laid out a seaweed sheet on a bamboo sushi mat, spreading a thin layer of rice over it. Methodically, she arranged the prepared ingredients on top of the rice, starting with perilla leaves, followed by Bulgogi, yellow radish pickles, seasoned burdock root, cucumber, and carrots.

Kazuha watched in awe, a pastry in hand, as Minha worked her culinary magic. She knew the kimbab would taste as perfect as it looked.

Meanwhile, Eunchae emerged from her room and settled next to Kazuha, resting her head on Kazuha's shoulder. "Where's Kkura unnie?" Kazuha queried, offering a piece of bread to Eunchae.

"Unnie went out to meet her IZ*ONE friends. She left while you were out," Eunchae mumbled between bites. The pair watched Minha, their eyes filled with anticipation and admiration.

Once all the ingredients were in place, Minha lifted the bottom end of the sushi mat, enveloping the ingredients. She then rolled the seaweed to the top, securing it with some water or rice at the edge. Minha repeated the process with the remaining ingredients, each roll getting a final touch of sesame oil for a nutty, savory flavor and a glossy finish.

With a satisfied smile, Minha sliced the kimbap into bite-sized pieces and arranged them on a plate. She placed it in front of the younger girls, inviting them to taste her creation. "How's my bulgogi kimbab?" Minha asked, washing her hands as she waited for their verdict.

Eunchae was the first to respond, "This good," she declared, quickly reaching for another piece. "This is my favorite kimbab ever!" she added, her words muffled by a mouthful of kimbab.

Minha chuckled at Eunchae's predictable reaction, then turned to Kazuha. Her girlfriend gave her a thumbs up, a silent confirmation of the kimbab's deliciousness. "Eat up, Manchae. We have plenty," Minha encouraged, patting her head before retrieving her jacket and heading to her room. She paused at her nightstand, picking up a small bag and tucking it into her pocket. She decided to give it to Eunchae later.

In the bustling KBS building, Yunjin found herself trudging back to her waiting room after a series of interviews. She sank into the plush couch, her gaze fixed on the stark white wall in front of her. "I'm dead bored, oh my god," she muttered to herself. Despite her role as a special MC, there was no trace of nervousness, only a profound boredom. The waiting room was hers alone, the staff having tactfully retreated to give her some space. But the solitude, rather than being a respite, only amplified her boredom. Her only consolation was the knowledge that her workday would end in a few hours.

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