Chapter 1

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Big Hit Entertainment

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Big Hit Entertainment. (May 2013)

One year after joining the small company as a dancer to pursue her dream, Kim Minha finally confirmed to be one of the back up dancers for the upcoming new boy group. She has loved dancing since she was young. Secretly, she started taking lessons after school in 2012, exactly one year ago. It’s worth it, she said. Knowing that if she went for the bigger company, the chance to shine might be hard.

There are a lot of talented dancers out there, and Minha was scared and she is introverted to the point she can’t handle being in the crowd. She almost gave up but ended up, choosing Big Hit Entertainment. Why?

She met Bang PD, the founder of the company

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She met Bang PD, the founder of the company. What made her choose the company was, Bang PD listened to her dream when other people told her to just give up and focus on studies. Bang PD built this small company with people with big dreams, including Minha. The struggle? Worse than she had imagined. Small companies can’t afford a lot of things. The company doesn’t have a lot of budget but no one is complaining.

Everyone is working so hard. With only 10 staff & a few trainees, the company announced the debut of a boy group next month. All the preparations are ready not long ago, and finally, to have a confirmed date is making everyone nervous and excited at the same time.


Counting days to the debut date, Minha as one of the young dancers, feels the thrill and the excitement to perform. She loves performing, but this is her first time dancing in public. She took a secret lesson and never told anyone until today, especially her family. It’s not like they will stop her from dancing, it’s just that...she’s not even close with her family members. Her parents are too busy with work, barely home.

Her siblings are always in their room, playing games or studying. Basically, her family is lacking quality time. Minha is not good with academics, her younger sister is way better and obviously smarter.

So she doesn’t have a plan to continue her study after grad, instead, she chose dancing. She thought, her parents could count on her younger sister on academics instead of her.

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