A precious person, a person who is my everything
Nothing in the world can replace you
Only when you call it, my name has breath in it
You filled my useless heart up with light

When I think of you, a smile spreads
Because you’re cozy like the warm sunlight
When I look at you, I’m filled up inside
Because I see you, who will always be on my side

A person who is with me, a person who will keep being with me
I don’t want to lose you until the world ends
I can only dream as long as you’re here
Because the world I draw out starts with you

Can you see my heart? Can you hear my heart?
Will you always be with me?
My heart is yours, my dreams are yours
We’re forever in the same place

As Minha and Jade played the song, the girls were deeply moved by the heartfelt lyrics. The words resonated with each of them, and they could feel the immense love and care that Minha had poured into the song. It felt incredibly special to hear it for the first time.

Tears welled up in their eyes as they continued to record the performance. The emotions stirred within them, overwhelmed by the depth and sincerity of Minha's love for each and every one of them. The song touched their hearts in a profound way, strengthening the bond they shared as a group.

Despite the tears, their smiles shone through, reflecting the gratitude and appreciation they felt towards Minha. They knew that this song was a testament to the deep connection and support they had for one another. It was a reminder of the journey they had embarked on together and the love that would continue to guide them.

A precious person, a person who is my everything
Nothing in the world can replace you
Only when you call it, my name has breath in it
You filled my useless heart up with light

A person who is with me, a person who will keep being with me
I don’t want to lose you until the world ends
I can only dream as long as you’re here
Because the world I draw out starts with you

A person who is with me, a person who will keep being with me
I don’t want to lose you until the world ends
I can only dream as long as you’re here
In the world I draw out

As Minha and Jade finished the song with smiles on their faces, Jade couldn't help but think to herself that this was a moment to remember. Minha glanced at the members and noticed sniffles and tear-streaked cheeks, particularly on Eunchae.

Minha felt a pang of guilt and decided to put away her guitar, approaching the youngest member and pulling her into a comforting hug. "Did you like the song?" Minha asked gently, patting Eunchae's back.

Eunchae nodded, hugging Minha tightly in return.

"You were in my thoughts throughout the entire hiatus. All of you..." Minha admitted, remembering the difficult moments she had experienced. The one year of hiatus had been more of a challenging period than a time of recovery.

Minha released the hug and cupped Eunchae's cheeks. "If you want, we can sing this song together. Maybe at our next concert?" Minha suggested, receiving positive feedback from the members.

"Really, unnie?" Yunjin asked, her voice filled with hope. She had also shed tears during Minha and Jade's performance.

"Of course. We may not know when our next concert will be, although it's already been confirmed, but we have plenty of time to record. Anytime you want," Minha reassured them, looking at each member with sincerity.

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