Chapter 21 | Quarantine Lunacy

Depuis le début

In comparison- Lóthurr was more muscular.

Calamity set a hand on her hip while chewing her gum, gazing at him questionably.

"You look like shit." He translated himself.

"Thanks." She scoffed, swinging her hips and wandering away. The mohawked woman headed further into her room. She spat her finished gum in the trashcan before faceplanting in her small spot on the bed.

Greyson welcomed himself inside, though he held a box in his hands.

"Is this for you?" The beta's son asked, closing the door behind him. He followed her in and raised the box- looking at it with very slight curiosity.

Calamity perked, "Yes, give!" She wiggled her fingers.

He handed it over tentatively.

Flipping the to-go box revealed a banana and brownie sundae with vanilla ice cream. She grinned at the sight and the temporary dopamine she'd get from eating it.

"Okay, that's enough." He went to grab the box, but she swiftly dodged it.

Calamity snarled, "No touching!" She spat, "This is mine."

The buzz-cut man rolled his eyes, "I don't want it." He argued, "I just think you should stop stuffing yourself with shit."

Stealing a plastic fork already in the box- the careless woman stabbed the banana and ice cream and stuffed it in her mouth. The fudge sank into her tongue- soothing her heart and pushing away the day's woes.

Sinking further into her bed, she rested her back against the backboard. "This is liquid cocaine..." She muttered.

Greyson picked up a pillow off the ground and tossed it on the bed, "And it's just as bad, too."

Calamity fidgeted with the remote before turning the TV on. 

A medical drama popped up in the middle of an episode. Male and female doctors were rushing to save the life of a young child. She eyed it boringly.

He winced at her spiralling misery, "This is fucking depressing."

Groaning loudly, Calamity stuffed a brownie and ice cream in her mouth. "What the fuck do you want?" She spoke with a full mouth, "I'm detoxing! And my head fucking hurts."

He furrowed his brows and shook his head. "What's... detoxing?" he muttered before groaning, "God, never mind."

Greyson massaged the bridge of his nose. He was already frustrated and irritated by her- not that Calamity cared.

She laid her legs out and set the box with her sundae on her breasts. She circled her spoon around the ice cream and took scoops of banana. Shoving it in her gob- she let out a loud moan of satisfaction.

"Look... I wanted to tell you I appreciated you covering for me." Greyson shoved his hands in his pockets. "Maybe... Maybe it'll be what makes my dad take me more seriously."

Calamity paused her chewing. She found it unlike him to show gratitude- considering he tries to be like his dad at every turn.

She swallowed her sundae, "Yeah, Yeah... Well, I guess I just... thought of doing it."

With a huff, she sat up and set the box beside her, "Anyway, why are you actually here?" She raised a brunette brow, "Everyone else is too scared to be in here."

Greyson rolled his eyes, "I've been around here and touching you for days." He picked up two boxes and stuffed them in the trash bin, "I look and feel fine."

It was hard to express how much more comfortable she felt when he said that.

Perhaps he wasn't that bad.

"If only everyone had your common sense..." She scoffed and deflated in her spot. The stack of three pillows cushioned her.

Searching under one of the blankets- she pulls out an unopened bar of chocolate.

Offering it to the man, she hummed, "Want one?"

Staring at the bar of chocolate with curiosity... he finally hums and decides to take it from her. Eyeing it carefully for any tears in the wrapper- Greyson slides it into his pant pocket.

"That doesn't mean I'll be gentle, though." He folded his arms seriously. "I still need to do my job."

She rolled her eyes, "Yeah, yeah... at least you treat me normally, though."

He'd nod, "The Doctor wants to do something with you, though." He gestured a thumb toward the door, "That's why I came."

Calamity's heart skipped a beat. Her eyes widened, brows raising her forehead as she bolted to her feet. Excitement made her heart rattle in its ribcage, "Really?"

Greyson pursed his lips and nodded, "Yeah... he wants an MRI."

"Oh." She deflated- her shoulders falling in disappointment.

With her messy mohawk flopping as she moved, she fell back on her bed and stared at the ceiling. Her eyes began to pool with tears- shame and embarrassment flooding her heart. The woman rolled onto her side.

"I don't care what he wants," she hissed. Tell him I said no."

Greyson's eyebrows curved up as he stared thoughtfully at her. Scratching the back of his neck, he searched for what to do before shaking his head.

"How about I take you to the pool afterward?" He bribed, "Since I'll be watching... it'll be fine for you to go."

Rubbing her tears away with her hand, she pondered the idea.

"Fine!" She dramatically waved her hands and sat up on her bed, "Just let me finish my sundae! It's all I have keeping me sane."

Greyson sighed and shook his head.

Greyson sighed and shook his head

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