Chapter 12

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Madison's POV

5 years later.

Today makes it five years since my accident, four years since I got out of a coma with no memory of who I was, three years and six months since I got out of a vegetable State after so much surgery and therapy and exactly two years since Layana passed away dues to a medical condition only Xavier was informed about.

Nobody ever told me anything about my accident, Xavier didn't tell me anything about Layana's medical condition, I have been kept in the dark and I never questioned it, thinking it was for the better.

Violet and I waited at the airport for my baby boy Ryan, my boyfriend Xavier, and his friend Lexie. Xavier and Ryan went on a father-son bonding while Lexie just somehow met them there.

"Mama," Ryan let go of Lexie's hand and ran to hug me, I picked him up from the ground and gave him a tight hug.

"Baby, how are you doing?" I giggled and kissed him all over his face.

"Ryan misses you," Ryan hugged me tightly, his little finger wrapped around my neck.

"Are you ready?", Xavier hugged me and gave me a Peck on my head and I gave him a faint smile.

Today was a sad day for my family, today is the death anniversary of our daughter Layana, Ryan's twin sister.

After we left the airport we went straight to the cemetery in all black, Lexie didn't come with us she had somewhere to be, so we went to Layana's gravestone.

Layana's gravestone was covered with flowers and children's toys a picture of her and her family was at the gravestone.

We all gave a minute of silence and dropped our flowers on the grave. I couldn't help the tears threatened to fall. I had only held Layana in my arms once before her passing.

To date I still will never understand why heaven decided to take my baby girl away from me, the heavens didn't give me enough chance to spend time with my daughter.

Every day I wonder what it would have been like if she was around? What she would have looked like? But I guess I will never know.

After spending the whole day at the cemetery we all returned to my home, during the ride home I played visiting hours by Ed Sheeran repeatedly while being in my imaginary world with my daughter, and everyone in the car kept quiet understanding my pains.

I sat in the sitting room and turned on the TV for Ryan to watch his favorite cartoon.

While watching the cartoon with him my head suddenly clicked and I decided to ask a question I had never asked in the last five years.

"What caused my accident?"

The plate in Violet's hands fell to the ground, "hmm?"

Xavier cleared his throat, "Hmm...Babe, why did you ask?"

"I will start working soon so I just need to know to prevent it or something," I explained but deep down that wasn't the reason, With each passing day, it feels as if I can't trust them for some reason, especially Xavier.

"You will start working? At where?" Violet picked up the broken pieces of the plate from the floor.

"At Adrian's Empire," I announced, I looked at everyone's reaction carefully. Only Violet's reaction seemed strange.

"Okay, you have met Adrian before so I believe he will help you around," Xavier said nonchalantly.

"Why Adrian Empire?" Violet asked, everyone looked at her.

"Why is there someone wrong?" Xavier answered her question with a question.

Violet kept quiet for a moment before saying, "Madison, you have always listened to me and right now am doing what's best for you, Ryan, and your future with Xavier, so please."

"Shouldn't you explain deeper?" I stood up from the couch and walked to Violet.

"Just listen to me this once, please," Violet pleaded with her eyes but I wasn't willing to listen.

"Why? Why! All you have said to me this past few years is listen to me and I have done that, now I want to know why I can't work in Adrian Empire!" I yelled out of frustration and threw the broken plate Violet was holding.

"Do you love Xavier? Do you love your son Ryan? And do you even care about your life?" Violet asked calmly, I could see she was trying to keep her cool.

I glared at Violet, "That wasn't the question I asked," I said sternly.

Violet walked close to me and whispered into my ears, "If you don't want to find out about the past you once lived then don't work at Adrian Empire, if you don't want to ruin your life again then don't," Violet warned, For the first time I saw Violet talk like this.

"I only care about you and don't want you to get hurt, so please don't let the past destroy your future," Violet stepped away from me.

I stared at her back as she entered the kitchen, I ran my hand through my hair and licked my lower lips, I turned and saw Xavier staring at me.

"What?" I raised my eyebrows and he got up from the chair and walked up to me, Xavier put his hands on my waist.

"Don't mind her, you can work in Adrian's Empire, he is my buddy, okay?" I smiled and nodded my head.

My eyes darted to Xavier's lower lip, he looked at my eyes and a smirk appeared on his face, his eyes darkened with desires, I wanted Xavier just as badly as he wanted me but I felt dead inside, anytime I came close to him my body and mind refuses to cooperate.

Xavier leaned in but I unconsciously turned my face away, he stopped and touched his hair awkwardly and he gave me a faint smile.

"I think I should get going," Xavier said awkwardly.

I know Xavier is my boyfriend and father of my kids, he helped me during my five years but why do I feel distant from him? Why does it feel like there is a wall between us? Something I can't place my hands on.

Xavier walked to the couch and gave Ryan a little hug and kiss, "Daddy can't you stay today?" Ryan asked pouting his lips.

"Maybe next time, Daddy is busy today okay," Ryan pouted his lips as tears bested up in his eyes, Xavier tapped him on the head gently and playfully before walking out the door.

I ran out after him, "No good night hug?" I whined playfully.

Xavier walked back to the door and hugged me while I gave him a little peck on the cheek before waving him goodnight.

I felt something wasn't right about my life and I was going to find out but how?

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