Ch-2: The Son's Return

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Author's POV

Upon coming out of Hyperspace The Black Arrow was met with the planet they called home. It was a humble planet similar in size as of our own planet of Earth, it had great mountain tops and dense forests and oceans spread across the planet.

But the wildlife was quite deadly, as the planet contained Howlrunners, Rancor, Gundarks and even more deadly animals that preyed on other lesser animals.

This help dissuade many from settling here and due to the planet not being on any present day star map it was the perfect hiding place for the now solitary Clan.

Flying down from space to the planets surface, Davin flew the ship to where his clan's base was located. Atop a flattened out mountain was a small compound which was surrounded by old large walls, that gave the Mandalorians a protective wall from the outside wilderness.

Davin landed his ship next to other returning Clan member's vessels, who arrived here before him. The two then exited the ship only to be greeted by Granix who was waiting for them as they landed. The son and father finally met one another after many rotations away from home.

Granix approached his son and took off his helmet to greet his son face to face, Davin did the same as they both walk to one another.


"Father." The two said to one another, only for Granix to hold his hand out for his son to shake. Which Davin took and with a slight smile felt happy to be home.

"Welcome back my son, come your mother and others have been waiting for you." Granix said as lead the way to hall in which the clan members would gather at.

Granix only nodded at Scythe as the two looked at one another. Despite being a droid and many of the clan still not trusting him, Granix trusted the droid as did his son despite others saying otherwise.

As the trio entered the hall, they were greeted by the sight of two other Mandalorians who had came back to base. One in Green armour and Blue Armour, Vector was the one in green he was currently working as a Bodyguard for a high level crime syndicate boss and the one in red was Estelea she worked as an Assassin who did jobs for all sorts of syndicates and even politicians.

"Welcome back Davin, how went your assignment?" Vector asked as the scarred man drank from a flask of whiskey as he sat in comfortable chair.

"Fine, it was easy enough only pirates and marauders." Davin said back as he knew Vector has already been drinking for some time.

"Hmm good man, always getting your jobs done like your old man." Vector said as he drunkenly complimented the two.

"Oh Vector.... you need to put a cap on how much you drink. Welcome back too Davin". Estelea said as she cleaned her blaster rifle. Davin only waved as he passed her with Granix and Scythe.

Last but not the least Davin was greeted by his mother Dayna who was kind dotting mother who came over and hugged her only son.

"Davin!!! Oh I've missed you!!!" Dayna said as she hugged her son tightly.

"I missed you too mother. Hahah" Davin laughed at how worried his mother was for him. The 3 sat and caught up with one another as they did every time whenever Davin came back home. Talking about there son's adventures they ate and talked to one another like a family would everytime for dinner.

But Clan's members were never there all at once, because most of them would work and be away just like how Davin was there was barely only 16 other members of the clan. Most times Davin would come home for a day or two then be off again back to working.

It was simply just how things were for them, as each member helped the clan thrive with each work they took on. But also a big thing for them was that if they were all spread out throughout the Galaxy the Empire couldn't take them all at once.

This was something that concerned Granix as he wanted to keep his clan out of the growing war between the Empire and Rebellion. Same went for Davin but for him he didn't care much about the Rebellion nor the Empire as ethier one seemed foolish to side with as all he cared about was his family and their freedom.

But this didn't worry the clan as they enjoyed their freedom being spread out across the galaxy working jobs that didn't have them get involved into much things that would attract unwanted attention.

"It's good to have you back son." Granix said as the he sat next to his son after they ate their meal which was prepared for them.

"I'm glad to be home father." Davin said as he agreed with his father. The family and the clan members all enjoyed their time being back with one another. Eating, talking and finally relaxing after many cycles of being away and working.

Few hours later....

After some time Davin had retired to his quarters in compound. This was the time where he could finally take his armour off other than on his ship.

Davin removed his armour and set it upon a stand that was made for his gear. He rested his Orange and black armour on it as he was finally now able to rest in a bad that wasn't in space. Laying in bed Davin allowed himself to sleep as this was the few places where he could get his guard down.

Next Morning...

The next morning Davin woke up a knock on his door. The tired warrior slowly got up as he was still groggy from just sleeping.

"Who is it?" Davin asked aloud as he went to open the door.

"Davin we have a meeting come down to the main hall your father is gathering us there for something." Scythe informed Davin. This prompted him to get dressed and to go to the meeting. But unknown to Davin and the others attending this would be quite certainly one of the last times Davin would ever be home again.

End of the chapter

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