Chapter 4: I'm Not a Thief

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Jungkook flinched and turned away from the tree like he had just been stuck by the lightning. He came face-to-face with a child.

What? A child?

Yeah, a very angry child with a shovel in hand.

"Are you trying to steal from my garden?"

Little eyes narrowed as a deep scowl painted a small face. It was a little boy with jet black hair, about ten years old, who barely reached up to Jungkook's stomach. But the dark and angry aura emitted from him wasn't one that shouldn't be taken easily. Not a single look in his eyes.

Oh, God, his eyes.

It was something that sent shivers down Jungkook's spine.

They... Well, there were two colors. Literally two colors. One eye was a deep shade of emerald that resembled the greenery around them, while the other was a pitch-black darkness that looked like a deep black hole. Jungkook had met lots of magical beings in his life, but this was the first time he saw someone with two different eye colors.

"I'm not."

Jungkook exclaimed, taking another few steps away from a golden fruit tree.

"You're not?" A black-haired boy said he was scanning Jungkook's figure, pointing at the shovel like it was some sort of weapon. Well, it was kind of. "Then what are you doing here?"

"I'm just looking around." Jungkook defended himself.

But the boy's eyes narrowed like he wasn't believing a single word he was saying. "What are you doing looking around like a thief?"

"I'm not a thief." Jungkook exclaimed, defending himself from the boy's accusation.

"Sure, it is exactly what a thief will say." The boy huffed.

"I'm not..."

Jungkook tried once again, but the child didn't let him finish.

"What should I do with you now?" The boy put his left hand, which wasn't holding a shovel, under his chin, intermediating a gesture of deep thinking. "Should I bury you in my garden so you will be a great fertilizer to my crops? But then it will be a huge work to dig a hole because you are so big."

"I'm not big."

Jungkook felt offended. He had worked hard for his perfect abs and body, so how could this child accuse him of being big? He was the perfect size. A muscular, handsome, good-looking, mouth-watering, eligible bachelor that drives every woman's and man's heart crazy.

"Maybe I could give you to Siwoo." The child ignored him and continued. "He always wanted to try new meats. You look so meaty."

"I'm not meaty!"

Jungkook shouted. This time, he was really offended. How could this child say that to his perfect abs? They were in a very perfect size.

"Maybe I should give you to Ayeon." Once again, the child ignored him. "He always wanted to know how long it would take for a human to burn in whole. You can be a good test subject."

Jungkook's mouth hung open. What did he just hear? Was this little child just offered him as a test subject?

"Or maybe Dan Oh could use you first." The boy continued. "She always complained that there wasn't anyone to test her potions and poisons. You can be a great test subject."

"I'm not a test subject!"

Jungkook exclaimed. How could this child say so many horrible things like that? What was going on here?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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