"Here on Caladan we've ruled with air power and sea power. On Arrakis we need to cultivate desert power." The Duke emphasized his point with his gloved index finger. "Paul, I want you sitting in on my council, learning what I do."

"What if I'm not Dad."

"Not what?"

"The future of House Atreides."

The Duke raised his hand, showing Paul his seal of office.

"I told my father I didn't want this either. I wanted to be a pilot."

"You never told me that." Paul smiled.

"It's true." His father conceded.

"Rhombur told me when you were in Vernii you guys would race ships through the stalactite caves." Nera said.

"Those were the days." The Duke nodded, smiling at the long forgotten memory of his younger and freer years on Ix. "But when I came back to Caladan your grandfather told me a great man doesn't seek to lead. He's called to it. And he answers. And if your answer is no, you'll till be the only thing I ever needed you to be. My son."

Nera looked out to the sea as the Duke hugged his only son, pressing down the ache in her chest for the arms of a father she never had.

She had cried herself to sleep so many nights she wondered if one day she would cry herself invisible. And if she did, would anyone even notice she was gone?

Nera stepped away, trying and failing not to intrude on this father and son moment.

The mean little voice of her conscience whispered poison in her mind.

See. You shouldn't be here.

"I don't expect you to figure it all out straight away Paul. I didn't, I found my own way to it. Maybe you'll find yours." Leto said said as he cast his arm out, towards the graves of the members of House Atreides, "In their memory."

Leto looked at Nera.

"In the memory of all the great Houses."

She bowed her head at his solemn acknowledgment.

Nera requested to have her lunch and dinner in her chamber, feigning stomach trouble. Lady Jessica was too preoccupied with the coming change to be concerned for her welfare. She lay on her bed reading about known Fremen culture, or at least what little was known. The tone of the book was fearful and distrusting towards the Natives of Arrakis, and it did little to ease her fears of Duncan being sent there. She had sent Elseen away to begin preparing some designs with Lady Jessica's dress maker for the coming visit to Arakkis. Elseen had warned her she would need a great many veils to protect herself from the harshness of the sun and desert winds.

The sun had begun to set, when there was a knock on her door.

Nera wearily got off her bed and stretched her arms over her hands, her back protesting after being stuck in one position for so long. Crossing the room in her bare feet, she pulled open the door. It was Paul.

"You coming?" He gave her a small smile.

Like her, Paul had been dreading seeing Duncan off. It had been on his mind all day.

Nera swallowed down the lump in her throat and made her way with Paul to the training room. Strangely, it was empty apart from the three practice dummies lined up against the wall. Usually Duncan was there early, waiting for them.

"He's probably just packing." She said, sitting down on the long wooden bench in the corner.

"Yeah, you're right." Paul replied, beginning to stretch and practice some of his formations on the dummies.

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