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Nera and Paul walked side by side along the craggy cliff along the western edge of Castle Caladan. The sky was a misty pale blue, and the air was chilled. A a tall figure in black was visible in the distance, standing at the tomb of his father.

It was Duke Leto.

Paul's shoulders sagged.

"I have to ask him again."

"Paul the answer will still be the same." Nera insisted, feeling Paul was acting childishly with his insistence one going to Arrakis. She didn't know the details of his dreams. She didn't see Duncan dead in the sand every night like he did.

"Just...back me up okay?" He said squaring his shoulders, as they both made their way closer to his father.

"Hello you two." The Duke's voice was warm, but as always he had a hard time looking Nera in the eye. Was it resentment, or guilt. Nera could never be sure. She had grown used to the Duke's gentle way of avoiding her.

Paul ignored polite chit chat and squared his shoulders, launching into his prepared proposal immediately.

"Father I'd like to ask to join Duncan Idaho on his scout mission to Arakkis tomorrow. I've studied the Fremen language, I'd be an asset."

"Out of the question." Duke Leto said stiffly, without even the slighted consideration. "You'll travel in a few weeks to Arakkis like the rest of us."

"I've been training my whole life, what is the point if I'm not allowed to face some risk!"

"You know why Paul!" The Duke was growing tired of his son's impetuous demands. "You're the future of House Atreides."

Nera followed along beside Paul, a respectful pace behind the Duke wishing she was anywhere else. More and more often, conversations between Paul and his father resulted in an argument unless Paul got his way, or his mother smoothed things between them.

"And grandfather fought bulls for sport!" Paul shouted.

"And look where that got him Paul." Nera stated the obvious, as they had just passed his tomb.

The Duke chuckled, "Yes. She's right. Look where that got him. And the difference is, he had a son. You don't!"

Paul shot her a bitter look, saying wow, thanks for the support. Leto walked on in silence for a moment before calming himself.

"Look, when we get to Arakkis, I need you by my side. We will all face enormous danger."

"What danger? The desert? The Fremen?" Paul asked, his head tilted downward and his hands clasped behind his back, just like his father. Sometimes it was almost comical how similar they were.

"Political danger."

Nera's stomach dropped. Her suspicions that there was more to the Emporor's new decree were correct.

"The Great Houses look to us for leadership, and this threatens the Emperor. By taking Arakkis from the Harkonnens and making it ours, he is setting the stage for a war to weaken both our Houses just like House Vernius when they grew too powerful for his liking. But if we hold firm, and tap the true power of Arakkis we could be stronger than ever."

There it was. That clawing need for more power, so tempering that even a mostly honorable man like Leto could not deny it.

"What does that mean?" Mining spice? Keeping the Fremen in their place? We'd be no better than the Harkonnen's."

"No." The Duke stopped. "By making an alliance with the Fremen. That's what I'm sending Duncan Idaho to arrange."

"An alliance with the Fremen?" Nera tried to dim her shock. Such a thing was unheard of. Also, now her fear for Duncan's safety only grew worse. Not only did he have to find the Fremen, which was treacherous in itself, but he also had to negotiate with them? Paul too tensed at this news.

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