king and queen

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Vivians pov*

Silas left me in the room to get some rest while he monitored the preparations for the celebration after I had refused to admit my feelings to him. I was still upset at Warrik for interrupting our moment. Something about Warrik was off-putting. Maybe it was how judgemental he looked at me, or maybe it was something else. Perhaps later I'd get the chance to tell Silas how I felt without him interrupting.

As I laid in my bed I listened to all of the commotion outside and inside the mansion.
I could hear the decorators in the garden and in the mansion and I could smell many different assortments of food smells coming from the kitchen. All of the smells were making me so hungry so I made my way downstairs for a snack. As I passed by all of the decorators in the mansion gawked at me. It wasn't a bad reaction but it certainly was one that made me uncomfortable.
I was just about to enter the kitchen when I saw a table set out with food in the large ballroom of the mansion. I had never been in that room before. I quickly walked up to the table and grabbed a butter roll as my snack and turned to walk back up to my room when suddenly one of the generals approached me. It was Jasper and he was grinning down at me with the brightest smile.

"You came down for a snack?" He asked.
His long white hair flowed to the side as he tilted his head.

" Yeah I got to impatient to wait for the party to start." I laughed.

"Same." He smiled as he grabbed a slider with bright red meat on it. As he bit into it this bloody substance came out.

"Ew. What is that,is that raw meat?" I cringed.

"Yeah it's raw, what's wrong with raw meat?" He asked.

" It just seems gross." I said as my lip curled up in disgust.

" Oh come on now it's not that bad." He insisted as he handed me a slider.

" No thanks." I said pushing it away.

"That's to bad you won't try it.. because it's Silas's favorite food." He smirked.

" Nope not trying it." I responded sassily.

As I ate my roll I got curious about the layout of the ballroom and started walking around it exploring every detail. There were columns supporting the room and red curtains hanging down from between them. The ceiling had a crystal chandelier and miniature crystals made to look like stars hung down from it. As I made my way towards the end of the bathroom I noticed a two large thrones sitting up on a altar. The thrones had beautiful star engravings on them that I couldn't help but admire.

" That's where you'll be sitting, right by me forever my starlight." Silas whispered  romantically in my ear.

" Holy shit!! You scared the crap outta me!" I shouted as my body jumped in fright.

Silas laughed at me, his beautifully dark laughter echoing throughout the ballroom.

"Don't sneak up on me like that." I huffed

"My bad love." Silas smirked as he bent down to kiss me passionately.

"I'm glad you came down early. Our guests will be arriving soon." He said as he lifted me up into his arms and walked me up the altar, sitting me down on the throne to the right.

He lifted my chin and adjusted my posture.

"Perfect." He smiled and sat down next to me on his throne. I couldn't stop looking at him, he looked so kingly and handsome and strikingly beautiful. He made my heart pound in my chest everytime i even looked at him.
He had his legs crossed and he was adjusting the cuffs of his shirt. His eyes turned to look down at me as he adjusted a cuff button.

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