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He got up from his chair and put his hand gently on my back. " You weren't thinking of sitting alone were you." He teased . Then he nudged me towards his table with his soldier friends.  " This is the Terran I was talking about. She'll be joining us tomorrow at the celebration." He said proudly.

"Hello."was all I could manage to say as I sat my tray and cup down on the opposite side of them.

"Shes so small." The blond soldier said.

"You act like you've never seen a Terran before,you literally fought in the war against them." The soldier sitting beside Valerian said  splaying his arms out in aggravation and rolling his eyes.

"Yeah but that was against the men of her species, I think she would be considered short for her kind regardless of what you think." The blond one insisted.

"I am considered short, I'm 5'4." I giggled.

"Are most of your women tall or are they close to my size?" I added.

The soldier sitting by Valerian replied. "They're at least 6 foot or taller. Us men are usually 7-8 feet tall. "

"Wow. So I'm going to be the only short person on the whole planet. That sucks."I laughed

I took a bite of my smoked meat as the alien soldiers contemplated what they would say next.  The flavors of the meat were savory and gamy tasting. Mmh. It tasted like deer meat and sausage mixed together. When I looked back up the soldiers and Valerian were whispering to each other. Then they looked back at me.
"....Did you have a mate back on earth." Valerian asked with a mischievous grin.

"Where did this topic come from?" I responded with my eyebrows raised.

"We're just curious." The soldier by Valerian expressed.

I sighed. I was aware of their intentions now, if I answered yes they would probably leave me alone but if I answered no they would probably start hitting on me. Valerian has been flirting with me despite knowing the answer though.

"No I didn't have a mate. The men of my planet are mostly stupid assholes." I replied

It was best to tell the truth, I was going to be on their planet for the rest of my life,even if I didn't want a partner right now I might want one later. Right now I would just consider my options and adjust to living on their planet.

"Would you consider our species." Valerian mentioned with curiosity in his tone

"For...mating..I mean I don't know how compatable your species would be with mine.  But one day I might want a partner..someone to be with and to love me." I said as my cheeks became flushed.

Valerian looked a bit shocked by my answer, but he also looked happy to. His friend beside him patted him on the shoulder. So it was Valerian they were asking that question for. I thought he was just flirting with me to mess with me but he seems like he's actually interested.

I finished my food as Valerian and the soldiers talked more amongst themselves. Then everyone got up to leave. Valerian stayed behind ontill everyone left.

"Would you...join me for dinner later." He requested. And bent down to give my hand a kiss but I pulled away.

"In the dinning hall?"I asked.

"No in my room,I don't eat my dinners with the soldiers."he replied

His grey eyes looked down at me in desperation hoping that I'd say yes.

"Would it be like a date or... just casual?"I hesitated.

"My kind do not date. He laughed. We do not claim each other with titles like boyfriend and girlfriend,husband and wife. We mate for life, unlike your species. So I suppose casual would be the proper answer." He replied

My face flushed and I struggled to find a answer. " I'll have dinner with you but don't try anything or I'll punch you in the balls like I did to your brother." I stated

"Then I'll see you tonight." He winked and walked out the dining hall.

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