Chapter 18

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"Vanilla! Eggman! status report!" Rouge yelled as she watched the image of the rocky mountain transform into a more metallic fortress

a past abandoned eggman base now a prison for the villainous jackal

"infinite knows you're there, so stay on guard, I have no control of my robots he stole from me, that disgusting jackal, using my machines against me and MY archnemesis!" Eggman rambled through the intercom

"Perhaps we should be thankful you had some sense in putting anti-control on metal" Vanilla sighed dismissively

to which Eggman merely nodded, adjusting his cracked glasses

"guys focus, this may be our only chance to get our friends back" Amy yelled as she brought attention back to their month's worth of searching

reaching the doors as punches, kicks and hammers bashed robots to the ground

they were surprised to see the villainous Jackel greet them with open arms

"took you all long enough" Infinite commented carelessly, uncaring to the pure rage-filled faces across the resistance's faces

"Enough games infinite, where are they" Vector growled as he had to be held back by rouge and big

"and why would I tell you" Infinite asked bitterly, floating higher as the others marched towards him, forcing them all to enter the fortress

"Perhaps then we won't think about beating you too badly!" Charmy warned angrily

"so confident, yet how long could you manage to keep that up" Infinite scoffed

"final chance infinite, release them now!" Silver growled as he and the others began to power up

"I will not be intimidated in my own home, robotics mistakes can entertain you all, however" Infinite declared as he snapped his fingers

producing a series of badnicks

flickering obviously as the phantom ruby was becoming much too overused

"get the ruby, we do that he's powerless!" Blaze declared as she fireball her way into the fight

infinite watching as high as he could, but Silver with his telekinetic powers wasn't going to let him sit out of the battle


while the rest fought the backticks

two that still had free will were faced with one that had been taken away as an infinite personal assistant

Metal having no trouble zoomed to grab cubots head, crushing slightly as a shock of electricity entered his system

causing red eyes to become blue

"orbot...big brother" Cubot cried as the shock seemed to awaken the yellow-cubbed robot

"cubot, thank goodness" orbot cried while Metal subconsciously held his "brother" close

"it was horrible! it was all red and flickery, like robot limbo" Cubot cried, trying to cry into metals chest, but that was where the robotic hedgehog drew the line

"it's not over yet, we need to find where Infinite has been keeping Sonic and the others" Orbot urged

"oh, he's keeping him upstairs in weird red-gemmed prisons" Cubot simply stated out loud

his loud mouth making it perfectly able to announce this news to all

"you fool!" Infinite barked as his mask was punched off by the crocodile

not that he had a chance to recover as a telekinetic force held him down

"STOP!" Infinite yelled desperately as he watched helplessly as a rage but determined pink hedgehog came with the largest piko piko hammer

and slammed it straight into infinite

shattering the ruby

knocking the jackal unconscious

and making all appearances disappear

including the extra robots

and a hidden door that had been behind them

taking a moment to regain breath they walked over to the door in hesitance

Rouge being the closet opened the mysterious door

and what it revealed

made their body stop

they had done it

there they were






they were all there

they had finally found them  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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