Chapter 9

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Espio looked at the ceiling helplessly

all the laughter, the happiness and relief

all extinguished in a matter of seconds

all his fears coming in full swing as the grey walls were the only thing in his eyesight

and of course that hole

red and flickering

it was so close

but half of him started to wonder if he even wanted to know what lay on the other side

so he simply turned his back to it, closing his eyes to shield his mind from the grey


eyes bolted as the screams once more interrupted his internal struggles

the loudest they had been

on instinct, he tried sitting up

only to hit his head on the....ceiling


wait when did it get so close?!

his breath growing to a point where he started hyperventilating

hands pushing in a futile attempt to make space

yet it only made it close in further

(oh chaos, I, I'm gonna die!) his thoughts screamed as his body spluttered without control

he was in a coffin

he was going to die

he was gonna get squashed

why was this happening?!

but as his body turned he saw something that caused him to scream out in utter fear

the hole was right in his face

the smell of rotting and burnt flesh as the bodies of Vector and charmy were lying stone-cold


the parts which Eggman showed were no longer there

eyes nose and lips dripping with blood that surrounded their now lifeless bodies

"NO NO NOOOOOOO!" Espio screamed in pure anguish as he tried backing himself away but he simply couldn't turn anymore

the walls touching his head and shoulder so he was trapped

panicking and crying

"PLEASE, STOP, PLEASE! I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE! LET ME OUT! PLEASE!" espio begged, cursing and screaming as he banged and kicked, hurting himself in the process against the barriers

and for the first act of mercy, he was finally given as the walls did as asked


giving the chameleon area to breath

placing the hole back in its suspicious spot and giving him back his bed and toilet

yet all the chameleon could do at that moment was cry 

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