Chapter 16

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"Perhaps it was a matter of time before one of you insolent lowlifes figured it out" the voice of a stranger hummed

a voice that proved espio's theory correct as the image of Eggman also began to give away

"but no longer in the shape of that it is quite freeing" the true identity of the villainous Jakal said with vanity

"so why even dress as Eggman in the first place?" espio spat

"you all know my ability to bend reality, it would make it so harder to mess with your mind" the Jakal answered twistedly

"but I truly meant when joining and stopping this little mind game for you" Infinite said as he hadn't given up

"but now you know my real identity, you know how I can make your situation so much worse" he threatened as the tone switched drastically

causing espio to step back

(if he was lying about being Eggman he could be lying about...everything) espio thought desperately

holding onto whatever string of hope he had left

and with a stupidly brave feeling of determination, he faced him once again

"you'll have to truly break me then" espio whispered threateningly

and with that infinite sighed

"I thought it'd be that way" the jackal hummed as he clicked his fingers

and all at once the world went red

"but in full honesty I'm glad, it will be more satisfying to truly use my powers to see you break, begging on your knees for mercy that I have shown so far"

chains wrapped around the chameleon as he produced a telekinetic room that could bend to the jackal's will

"Shadow will be so pleased to know he has a neighbour"

"Wait! When did Shadow figure it out?!

"oh...I never hid this from him

"the shadow you've been meeting every week was nothing but an illusion

"I wanted him to experience the full pain and torment my power could bring from the very start, I never wanted him to join, I wanted him to suffer

"but you, the others, I have many glorious plans for you

and with that, he kicked the chameleon into the red void

but as he made an impact into what was an illusion of wooden floors

as did the appearance around him

the old home of his clan

"Why would-" espio began to question out loud

only for the image of his mother to emerge from the floor

"master?" the chameleon asked in confusion

no point since he's been used as a scare torture

but now out of the Eggman shell, he supposed anything could happen

"I am not your master you pitiful little boy" the female reptile growled dangerously

her face morphing into a demonic version of herself, towering over him intimidatingly

"stop! you will not tarnish my master's image, you fiend!" Espio yelled as he tried to hide his shaking

"Like how I did to theirs?" the ghoulish voice of infinite whispered as more figures entered the already cramped red diamond

the decaying corpse bodies of all his friends, floating around him with dried blood and burnt skin draping their bones, body parts missing or simply hanging by a thread

espio squeezed his eyes

but their ghostly images were scolded into his rentiers

"look at them espio" Infinite commanded

"Stop it!" Espio couldn't help but beg

all these weeks of horrendous mind games

but this had to be the worst to date

"stop acting like a child, and accept the facts" his mother continued to scold

the bodies were closing in

he tried to struggle away but the chains were planting his place

"you need to just accept the facts" Infinite lured

it was getting hard to breathe again, the chains tightening and the rotting smell was overwhelming

"you have NOTHING left, the only family you know are all deceased" Infinite convinced dramatically

"lies! All you do is lie! They are alive" Espio stated as he refused to believe

"you don't believe that" Infinite stated as a pair of hands scratched his face

charmy's skinless skull with a singular eye

"why did you leave us to die espio?" his voice asked softly but mournfully

"you failed us all" Vectors corpse declared

"weak" Amy spat

"pathetic" Rouge scorned

"Just give up" Cream cried

"stop it STOP IT!" Espio beseeched as tears flowed down his face once more, just as pitifully

"Oh no, you had your chance, but now I choose when you've had enough" Infinite laughed as he watched in amusement

"I will break your spirit until your loyalty is unquestionable" Infinite declared as a promise

watching evily into his gem, enjoying the sight of pure terror and tears of the once proud purple ninja 

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