Hence, with that encouragement in my mind and heart. I took one last look around me and made a quick yet working plan. Or that's what I thought.


Ofcourse after getting out of my hiding spot, the first thing which happened was me almost getting hit by a bullet on my shoulder!! Thanks to the outfit I was wearing, the bullet missed a little. Phewwww. That was a close shot.

I kept walking and approaching their ship while trying to dock the bullets or not to get caught by any pirate.
They all looked too busy in their own fights.


I hided just in time behind a more bigger metal box. It could hide my all body. Damn. That was a close shot too. I need to hurry up.

Peeking my head slowly behind the box, I noticed that Ateez ship had two entries. One closer to me was surrounded by both pirates and people of this ship. The floor of this entrance was covered by blood and bodies and what not. Ewwww.

Quickly looking at the other entrance in the far right end. It was small and not really noticeable but I could see it only being covered by few people.

Thinking quickly I concluded that the pirates must be on the main entrance and the small entrance must be just for a little backup?
I can't enter the ship from the main one that's why I decided to be one of the bodies on the floor and crawl to the other side.

Because I can't possibly reach there by walking. The blood on the wood was sticking to me and I felt like vomiting all of a sudden. I was almost there. I can do this!!!!

So holding my breath, I stood up silently but quickly. Just few more steps and I'll be there. Almost. Just a little more. And.



Quickly covering my mouth with one of my bloody hands and the other holding my shoulder. Biting my tongue hard that blood almost came out. Fuck Fuck fuck. Oh yes. Ofcourse. I got shot. Fuck, my shoulder is burning like hell. I could feel the tears trying to surface my eyes. Not now. Not right now Byeol. You can cry when the adrenaline has worn off but not now!! I need to get there. Fuck, I looked straight and saw that I had to jump a little to get on their ship.

With my highboots its going to make noise. No, I have to pull them off. Which I unfortunately did, even more heartbroken. My poor dashing highboots!!

Now I was barefeet. Wow. Ewwwwwwwwww.This is disgusting.

Quickly walking, I finally jumped on the ship. It was silent in this area. But I could hear the chaos on the other side. The bullet hasn't gone too deep I noticed but it was still in my shoulder.

I looked around and roughly noticed a place where I could hide for a minute. Hiding I looked around and noticed that this was an open area and didn't had any room where I could hide.

The shouts and noises of bullets has minimized. It looked like, this was getting to an end.

My doubt was confirmed when I heard someone's voice ordering the pirates to get back on the ship.

If the fight was over. That meant they had roughly putted the goods in the cargo bay. And knowing a little about pirates, they won't be entering the storage room right after a tiring fight. That means. I need to find the cargo.


Walking towards the other side slowly. On my left side I could see the other ship burning and slowly sinking. Noo. That was brutal. Poor ship. I'll miss you my mirror. And highboots.
I could feel this ship moving. On my right I could see some doors. Not some. But a lot. This whole side was filled with rooms.

Some of them must be the pirates rooms. And one of them NEED to be the storage room. I made my way carefully near one of the closest rooms. I still couldn't see the pirates but I can hear them. Their voices are getting louder. Fuck.

I looked around. Behind me was a table with glass bottles with alcohol? That looked like alcohol. I should take one bottle just incase. Quickly going back near the room.

The voices were getting louder. Fuck. I have a dagger, I have glass, I can protect myself. Yeh, I tried to reassure myself.
I was just putting my hand on the doorknob when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

And without thinking, in complete horror I bashed the glass on that person's head. Wow.

Brown.. His eyes were honey brown. Which were shining under the sun. His whole skin was shining. Which I wasn't able to see much of as he was wearing a mask. His hair were covered too. But whatever was visible of him was gorgeous. His outfit didn't particularly looked like a pirate one because he was wearing a white shirt and baggy pants. I wonder who this gorgeous angel man is.

"What the-? "

Oh yeh

I was going to take my dagger out when I noticed that he looked like he was going to faint any second. And I was correct, but right in time, I was able to hold him and wow. He had muscles!!! But fuck, my shoulder was bleeding more. Ouch. I can't make any sound right now.

Not the time Byeol!!

Without thinking I entered the room with him and thank the gods, It was the storage room.

Walking to the far end quickly yet carefully. I hided behind a big box made of wood, which probably had something in it. Squatting down I putted the man carefully on the floor, not to hurt him even more.
He was bleeding. The right side of his forehead had some scratches from the glass from where blood was coming out.

The cuts weren't too deep. And I just know that he fainted because of shock and not loss of blood.
Poor man.

I could still feel the adrenaline in my body. I don't know what just happened, all on the ship and everything but whatever happened was awesome. It was like a dream, like a movie. Amazing!!

What do I do now?

Should I take his mask off ?!? I mean he was sweating and bleeding and you can't blame me for being curious about how this gorgeous man really looks like.

Soo that's what I did. I took his mask off.
Holy sh-


Golden CAPTAIN || Ateez *PIRATE AU*Where stories live. Discover now